I´m using the SUnitBrowser and I have a problem with resources.
If I run all tests (wich have a resource that read objects form a BD)
the resource is never initialized-released (setUp-tearDown). I found an
option in the SUnitBrowser configuration menu>>Auto-initialize
resources, and i check this. This work like I expected, but if I want to
debug an individual test an error occurs. the message
#debugIndividualTestsWithResources: is sent to SUnitBrowserModel and
this is not implemented in the image.
I implemented this like its analog #runIndividualTestsWithResources:.
I copy the implementation here. If I am wrong, please sorry :-)
debugIndividualTestsWithResources: tests
"tests - a collection of either TestCases or TestSuites."
| resources |
resources := self resourcesFor: tests.
startResources: resources;
debugIndividualTests: tests]
sunitEnsure: [self stopResources: resources]
Guillermo Sapaya