Possible service disruption at object-arts.com

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Possible service disruption at object-arts.com

Andy Bower-2

We are moving the Object Arts website and e-mail to a new server. It is
possible (probable?) that there may be some service disruption over the next
few days while the transition takes place. If you find you're having
difficulty seeing the website or sending e-mail please use the domain
object-arts.ltd.uk as a temporary replacement for object-arts.com.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: Possible service disruption at object-arts.com

Bill Schwab

> We are moving the Object Arts website and e-mail to a new server.

Is the move by any chance a result of technical problems?  I'm asking
because I recently had to "fire" a machine - P4 with pretty much all Intel
hardware built onto the motherboard.  If that sounds familiar, I'd
appreciate any pointers to what might be wrong (other than the obvious bad
RAM, which is next on my list of things to try).

Good luck with the move!


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Possible service disruption at object-arts.com

Andy Bower-2

> > We are moving the Object Arts website and e-mail to a new server.
> Is the move by any chance a result of technical problems?  I'm asking
> because I recently had to "fire" a machine - P4 with pretty much all Intel
> hardware built onto the motherboard.  If that sounds familiar, I'd
> appreciate any pointers to what might be wrong (other than the obvious bad
> RAM, which is next on my list of things to try).

No, it's not a hardware problem so I can't really comment on the enforced
"retirement" of your P4. Anyway, the move appears complete so I hope all
services are back up as normal.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?