(I am reposting this with updated links)
The RMoD team at INRIA Lille / France is offering a postdoc position: "Reflection and Scoping in Dynamic Languages". Applications must be submitted online, the deadline is *March 14th*. More information and online application: http://bit.ly/9GYHAx More on Postocs at INRIA: http://www.inria.fr/travailler/opportunites/postdoc/postdoc.en.html Reflection and Scoping in Dynamic Languages =========================================== Position type: Post-doctoral Fellow Functional area: Lille (Villeneuve d'Asq) Project: RMOD ====================================================================== Environnement ============= To support the creation and evolution of complex systems, language need support for reflection and context. A reflective system contains a model of itself for enabling runtime change. Context provides a way to model and react to the context the system is embedded in. Reflection is an established research theme and has seen a lot of work over the last decades. Contextual languages, in contrast are a relatively new direction of research. It has recently gotten popular, with a number of dedicated workshops and a lot of active work going on at the moment. As a new research topic, it poses many open questions. Even fundamental questions, for example, how to model context, are discussed. Missions ======== The following points should be explored: - Study existing models of context. - Model composition of contexts and context reuse. - Explore and Model context propagation - Propose a new, general model of context to support further research on context in reflective systems. The model will be implemented in a dynamic, object-oriented language. - Evaluate contexts as a first class language feature. - Extend the model to provide enhanced reflection on context Compétences et Profil ===================== Reflective programming - Smalltalk / C - English Informations complémentaires ============================= Chercheur(s) à contacter pour plus d’information/advisors : Stéphane Ducasse : [hidden email] Marcus Denker : [hidden email] Bibliographical References: ============================ [1] Pascal Costanza and Robert Hirschfeld. Reflective layer activation in ContextL. In SAC ’07: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 1280–1285, New York, NY, USA, 2007. ACM Press. [2] Marcus Denker, Mathieu Suen, and Stéphane Ducasse. The meta in meta-object architectures. In Proceedings of TOOLS EUROPE 2008, volume 11 of LNBIP, pages 218–237, 2008. [3] Eric Tanter. Contextual values. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS 2008), Paphos, Cyprus, jul 2008. ACM Press. [4] Eric Tanter. Expressive scoping of dynamically-deployed aspects. In Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD 2008), pages 168–179, Brussels, Belgium, April 2008. ACM Press. [5] Eric Tanter, Kris Gybels, Marcus Denker, and Alexandre Bergel. Context-aware aspects. In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Software Composition (SC 2006), volume 4089 of LNCS, pages 227–242, Vienna, Austria, March 2006. [6] Robert Hirschfeld, Pascal Costanza, and Oscar Nierstrasz. Context-oriented programming. Journal of Object Technology, 7(3), March 2008. [7] Martin von Löwis, Marcus Denker, and Oscar Nierstrasz. Context-oriented programming: Beyond layers. In Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Dynamic Languages (ICDL 2007), pages 143–156. ACM Digital Library, 2007. -- Marcus Denker -- http://www.marcusdenker.de INRIA Lille -- Nord Europe. Team RMoD. |
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