PostgresSocketSession error reporting the Unexpected protocol state error

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PostgresSocketSession error reporting the Unexpected protocol state error

Richard Sargent (again)
This is under VW 8.1.1 and presumably running the Postgres parcel that shipped with it.

I received a DNU exception while PostgresSocketSession was executing
self error: 'Unexpected protocol state = ' , self protocolStateType

The error occurred because #protocolStateType answered nil.

There are two senders of #protocolStateType, namely PostgresSocketSession>>#hasAnswerSetExternal and SessionBasedResponse>>#isValid. The #isValid implementation recognizes that #protocolStateType may answer nil, since #allowedPriorStateTypes tend to include nil in their possibilities. #hasAnswerSetExternal is oblivious to this possibility.

(As much as I am reporting the DNU exception, I would be interested in knowing why execution of StoreLoginFactory class>>#setSessionToUnicode: went down the path of getting a nil for its protocol state and what I should do about it.)

Thank you.