Preference Browser and new System setting browser signal exception while opening the 'debug'

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Preference Browser and new System setting browser signal exception while opening the 'debug'

Bart Gauquie
Dear all,

If I'm using the Preference Browser (the old) or the System Setting Browser (the new) and want to click the debug settings, both throw the same error:

MessageNotUnderstood: UserInterruptHandler class>>cmdDotEnabled
10 December 2009 3:50:46 pm

VM: Win32 - IX86 - NT - Squeak3.10.2 of '5 June 2008' [latest update: #7179]
Image: PharoCore1.1ALPHA [Latest update: #11083]

SecurityManager state:
Restricted: false
FileAccess: true
SocketAccess: true
Working Dir D:\Bart\Programming\Smalltalk\Pharo\Images\pharo1.1-11073-alphadev09.12.1

UserInterruptHandler class(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #cmdDotEnabled
Receiver: UserInterruptHandler
Arguments and temporary variables:
aMessage: cmdDotEnabled
exception: MessageNotUnderstood: UserInterruptHandler class>>cmdDotEnabled
resumeValue: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
superclass: InputEventHandler
methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#handleEvent:->(UserInterruptHandler>>#handleEve...etc...
format: 134
instanceVariables: #('interruptKey')
organization: ('events' handleEvent:)
('initialize-release' setInterruptKeyValu...etc...
subclasses: nil
name: #UserInterruptHandler
classPool: nil
sharedPools: an OrderedCollection(EventSensorConstants)
environment: Smalltalk
category: #'Kernel-Processes'
traitComposition: {}
localSelectors: nil

Receiver: a SettingDeclaration
Arguments and temporary variables:

Receiver's instance variables:
precondition: [closure] in SettingDeclaration(PragmaSetting)>>precondition
target: UserInterruptHandler
targetSelector: nil
name: #cmdDotEnabled
label: 'Enable cmd-dot interrupt key'
description: 'If true, it allows the user to stop currently running process by ...etc...
order: nil
icon: nil
ordering: nil
dialog: nil
allowedInStyle: nil
getSelector: nil
setSelector: nil
type: nil
default: nil
ghostHelp: nil

Receiver: a SettingDeclaration
Arguments and temporary variables:

Receiver's instance variables:
precondition: [closure] in SettingDeclaration(PragmaSetting)>>precondition
target: UserInterruptHandler
targetSelector: nil
name: #cmdDotEnabled
label: 'Enable cmd-dot interrupt key'
description: 'If true, it allows the user to stop currently running process by ...etc...
order: nil
icon: nil
ordering: nil
dialog: nil
allowedInStyle: nil
getSelector: nil
setSelector: nil
type: nil
default: nil
ghostHelp: nil

Receiver: a SettingDeclaration
Arguments and temporary variables:

Receiver's instance variables:
precondition: [closure] in SettingDeclaration(PragmaSetting)>>precondition
target: UserInterruptHandler
targetSelector: nil
name: #cmdDotEnabled
label: 'Enable cmd-dot interrupt key'
description: 'If true, it allows the user to stop currently running process by ...etc...
order: nil
icon: nil
ordering: nil
dialog: nil
allowedInStyle: nil
getSelector: nil
setSelector: nil
type: nil
default: nil
ghostHelp: nil

Receiver: a SettingDeclaration
Arguments and temporary variables:

Receiver's instance variables:
precondition: [closure] in SettingDeclaration(PragmaSetting)>>precondition
target: UserInterruptHandler
targetSelector: nil
name: #cmdDotEnabled
label: 'Enable cmd-dot interrupt key'
description: 'If true, it allows the user to stop currently running process by ...etc...
order: nil
icon: nil
ordering: nil
dialog: nil
allowedInStyle: nil
getSelector: nil
setSelector: nil
type: nil
default: nil
ghostHelp: nil

Receiver: a SettingTreeNode
Arguments and temporary variables:
d: a SettingDeclaration
Receiver's instance variables:
item: a SettingDeclaration
model: a SettingTreeHolder
parentName: #debugging
pragma: <systemsettings>
contents: nil

Receiver: a MorphTreeNodeMorph(3008)
Arguments and temporary variables:
anObject: a SettingTreeNode
priorMorph: nil
hostList: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
newLevel: 1
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 0@0 corner: 50@40
owner: nil
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: nil
color: Color transparent
extension: a MorphExtension (3089)
parent: nil
index: nil
indentLevel: 1
isExpanded: false
complexContents: a SettingTreeNode
firstChild: nil
container: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
nextSibling: nil
icon: nil
rowMorph: nil
controls: nil
spacers: nil

[] in MorphTreeMorph>>addMorphsAfter:fromCollection:allowSorting:
Receiver: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
Arguments and temporary variables:
parentMorph: a SettingTreeNode
morphList: a MorphTreeNodeMorph(809)
priorMorph: an OrderedCollection()
item: #(nil)
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 642@426 corner: 1432@845
owner: a StandardWindow(2409)
submorphs: an Array(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(2932) a Morph(3150) a MorphTreeTran...etc...
fullBounds: 642@426 corner: 1432@845
color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905)
extension: a MorphExtension (1933) [locked] [eventHandler = an EventHandler re...etc...
borderWidth: 1
borderColor: (Color r: 0.833 g: 0.833 b: 0.833)
model: a SystemSettingBrowser
slotName: nil
open: false
scrollBar: a ScrollBar(1046)
scroller: a MorphTreeTransformMorph(3458)
retractableScrollBar: false
scrollBarOnLeft: false
getMenuSelector: #menu:shifted:
getMenuTitleSelector: nil
hasFocus: true
hScrollBar: a ScrollBar(1158)
getListSelector: #roots
setSelectionSelector: #selection:
keystrokeActionSelector: #keyStroke:from:
autoDeselect: nil
columns: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeColumn a MorphTreeColumn)
sortingSelector: nil
potentialDropMorph: nil
lineColor: nil
hCellInset: 4
vCellInset: 6
columnResizers: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(2932))
withHLines: false
preferedPaneColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905)
indentGap: 20
expandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(2307)
notExpandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(1287)
resizerWidth: 4
gapAfterIcon: 4
gapAfterToggle: 5
hasToggleAtRoot: true
scrollDeltaHeight: 20
getSelectionSelector: #selection
topHeader: a Morph(3150)
topHeaderBackground: Color transparent
unboundLastColumn: true
columnDropUnabled: nil
iconReservedExtent: 16@16
columnColors: #(nil nil)
rowColors: {(Color r: 0.941 g: 0.941 b: 0.941). nil}
allowsMultipleSelection: nil
selectedMorphList: an OrderedCollection()
lastSelectedMorph: nil
doubleClickSelector: #doubleClick

Receiver: an OrderedCollection(a SettingTreeNode a SettingTreeNode a SettingTreeNode a SettingTreeNo...etc...
Arguments and temporary variables:
aBlock: [closure] in MorphTreeMorph>>addMorphsAfter:fromCollection:allowSorting...etc...
index: 3
Receiver's instance variables:
array: an Array(nil nil a SettingTreeNode a SettingTreeNode a SettingTreeNode a...etc...
firstIndex: 3
lastIndex: 9

Receiver: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
Arguments and temporary variables:
parentMorph: a MorphTreeNodeMorph(809)
aCollection: an OrderedCollection(a SettingTreeNode a SettingTreeNode a Setting...etc...
sortBoolean: true
morphList: an OrderedCollection()
newCollection: an OrderedCollection(a SettingTreeNode a SettingTreeNode a Setti...etc...
priorMorph: #(nil)
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 642@426 corner: 1432@845
owner: a StandardWindow(2409)
submorphs: an Array(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(2932) a Morph(3150) a MorphTreeTran...etc...
fullBounds: 642@426 corner: 1432@845
color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905)
extension: a MorphExtension (1933) [locked] [eventHandler = an EventHandler re...etc...
borderWidth: 1
borderColor: (Color r: 0.833 g: 0.833 b: 0.833)
model: a SystemSettingBrowser
slotName: nil
open: false
scrollBar: a ScrollBar(1046)
scroller: a MorphTreeTransformMorph(3458)
retractableScrollBar: false
scrollBarOnLeft: false
getMenuSelector: #menu:shifted:
getMenuTitleSelector: nil
hasFocus: true
hScrollBar: a ScrollBar(1158)
getListSelector: #roots
setSelectionSelector: #selection:
keystrokeActionSelector: #keyStroke:from:
autoDeselect: nil
columns: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeColumn a MorphTreeColumn)
sortingSelector: nil
potentialDropMorph: nil
lineColor: nil
hCellInset: 4
vCellInset: 6
columnResizers: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(2932))
withHLines: false
preferedPaneColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905)
indentGap: 20
expandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(2307)
notExpandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(1287)
resizerWidth: 4
gapAfterIcon: 4
gapAfterToggle: 5
hasToggleAtRoot: true
scrollDeltaHeight: 20
getSelectionSelector: #selection
topHeader: a Morph(3150)
topHeaderBackground: Color transparent
unboundLastColumn: true
columnDropUnabled: nil
iconReservedExtent: 16@16
columnColors: #(nil nil)
rowColors: {(Color r: 0.941 g: 0.941 b: 0.941). nil}
allowsMultipleSelection: nil
selectedMorphList: an OrderedCollection()
lastSelectedMorph: nil
doubleClickSelector: #doubleClick

Receiver: a MorphTreeNodeMorph(809)
Arguments and temporary variables:
newChildren: nil
toDelete: an OrderedCollection()
c: an OrderedCollection(a SettingTreeNode a SettingTreeNode a SettingTreeNode a...etc...
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 0@104 corner: 785@128
owner: a MorphTreeTransformMorph(3458)
submorphs: an Array(a Morph(2725) a Morph(1967))
fullBounds: -3@104 corner: 785@128
color: Color transparent
extension: a MorphExtension (2580)
parent: nil
index: 5
indentLevel: 0
isExpanded: true
complexContents: a SettingTreeNode
firstChild: nil
container: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
nextSibling: a MorphTreeNodeMorph(2832)
icon: Form(16x16x32)
rowMorph: a Morph(1967)
controls: an OrderedCollection(a StringMorph(554)'Debugging' a Morph(1417))
spacers: an OrderedCollection(a Morph(2725) a Morph(3715))

Receiver: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
Arguments and temporary variables:
aMorph: a MorphTreeNodeMorph(809)
event: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
oldState: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 642@426 corner: 1432@845
owner: a StandardWindow(2409)
submorphs: an Array(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(2932) a Morph(3150) a MorphTreeTran...etc...
fullBounds: 642@426 corner: 1432@845
color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905)
extension: a MorphExtension (1933) [locked] [eventHandler = an EventHandler re...etc...
borderWidth: 1
borderColor: (Color r: 0.833 g: 0.833 b: 0.833)
model: a SystemSettingBrowser
slotName: nil
open: false
scrollBar: a ScrollBar(1046)
scroller: a MorphTreeTransformMorph(3458)
retractableScrollBar: false
scrollBarOnLeft: false
getMenuSelector: #menu:shifted:
getMenuTitleSelector: nil
hasFocus: true
hScrollBar: a ScrollBar(1158)
getListSelector: #roots
setSelectionSelector: #selection:
keystrokeActionSelector: #keyStroke:from:
autoDeselect: nil
columns: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeColumn a MorphTreeColumn)
sortingSelector: nil
potentialDropMorph: nil
lineColor: nil
hCellInset: 4
vCellInset: 6
columnResizers: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(2932))
withHLines: false
preferedPaneColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905)
indentGap: 20
expandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(2307)
notExpandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(1287)
resizerWidth: 4
gapAfterIcon: 4
gapAfterToggle: 5
hasToggleAtRoot: true
scrollDeltaHeight: 20
getSelectionSelector: #selection
topHeader: a Morph(3150)
topHeaderBackground: Color transparent
unboundLastColumn: true
columnDropUnabled: nil
iconReservedExtent: 16@16
columnColors: #(nil nil)
rowColors: {(Color r: 0.941 g: 0.941 b: 0.941). nil}
allowsMultipleSelection: nil
selectedMorphList: an OrderedCollection()
lastSelectedMorph: nil
doubleClickSelector: #doubleClick

Receiver: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
Arguments and temporary variables:
evt: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
aMorph: a MorphTreeNodeMorph(809)
selectors: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 642@426 corner: 1432@845
owner: a StandardWindow(2409)
submorphs: an Array(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(2932) a Morph(3150) a MorphTreeTran...etc...
fullBounds: 642@426 corner: 1432@845
color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905)
extension: a MorphExtension (1933) [locked] [eventHandler = an EventHandler re...etc...
borderWidth: 1
borderColor: (Color r: 0.833 g: 0.833 b: 0.833)
model: a SystemSettingBrowser
slotName: nil
open: false
scrollBar: a ScrollBar(1046)
scroller: a MorphTreeTransformMorph(3458)
retractableScrollBar: false
scrollBarOnLeft: false
getMenuSelector: #menu:shifted:
getMenuTitleSelector: nil
hasFocus: true
hScrollBar: a ScrollBar(1158)
getListSelector: #roots
setSelectionSelector: #selection:
keystrokeActionSelector: #keyStroke:from:
autoDeselect: nil
columns: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeColumn a MorphTreeColumn)
sortingSelector: nil
potentialDropMorph: nil
lineColor: nil
hCellInset: 4
vCellInset: 6
columnResizers: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(2932))
withHLines: false
preferedPaneColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905)
indentGap: 20
expandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(2307)
notExpandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(1287)
resizerWidth: 4
gapAfterIcon: 4
gapAfterToggle: 5
hasToggleAtRoot: true
scrollDeltaHeight: 20
getSelectionSelector: #selection
topHeader: a Morph(3150)
topHeaderBackground: Color transparent
unboundLastColumn: true
columnDropUnabled: nil
iconReservedExtent: 16@16
columnColors: #(nil nil)
rowColors: {(Color r: 0.941 g: 0.941 b: 0.941). nil}
allowsMultipleSelection: nil
selectedMorphList: an OrderedCollection()
lastSelectedMorph: nil
doubleClickSelector: #doubleClick

Receiver: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 642@426 corner: 1432@845
owner: a StandardWindow(2409)
submorphs: an Array(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(2932) a Morph(3150) a MorphTreeTran...etc...
fullBounds: 642@426 corner: 1432@845
color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905)
extension: a MorphExtension (1933) [locked] [eventHandler = an EventHandler re...etc...
borderWidth: 1
borderColor: (Color r: 0.833 g: 0.833 b: 0.833)
model: a SystemSettingBrowser
slotName: nil
open: false
scrollBar: a ScrollBar(1046)
scroller: a MorphTreeTransformMorph(3458)
retractableScrollBar: false
scrollBarOnLeft: false
getMenuSelector: #menu:shifted:
getMenuTitleSelector: nil
hasFocus: true
hScrollBar: a ScrollBar(1158)
getListSelector: #roots
setSelectionSelector: #selection:
keystrokeActionSelector: #keyStroke:from:
autoDeselect: nil
columns: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeColumn a MorphTreeColumn)
sortingSelector: nil
potentialDropMorph: nil
lineColor: nil
hCellInset: 4
vCellInset: 6
columnResizers: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(2932))
withHLines: false
preferedPaneColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905)
indentGap: 20
expandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(2307)
notExpandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(1287)
resizerWidth: 4
gapAfterIcon: 4
gapAfterToggle: 5
hasToggleAtRoot: true
scrollDeltaHeight: 20
getSelectionSelector: #selection
topHeader: a Morph(3150)
topHeaderBackground: Color transparent
unboundLastColumn: true
columnDropUnabled: nil
iconReservedExtent: 16@16
columnColors: #(nil nil)
rowColors: {(Color r: 0.941 g: 0.941 b: 0.941). nil}
allowsMultipleSelection: nil
selectedMorphList: an OrderedCollection()
lastSelectedMorph: nil
doubleClickSelector: #doubleClick

Receiver: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
Arguments and temporary variables:
anObject: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
Receiver's instance variables:
timeStamp: 1369922
source: a HandMorph(3216)
windowIndex: nil
type: #mouseDown
buttons: 4
position: 651@543
handler: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
wasHandled: true
whichButton: 4

Receiver: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 642@426 corner: 1432@845
owner: a StandardWindow(2409)
submorphs: an Array(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(2932) a Morph(3150) a MorphTreeTran...etc...
fullBounds: 642@426 corner: 1432@845
color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905)
extension: a MorphExtension (1933) [locked] [eventHandler = an EventHandler re...etc...
borderWidth: 1
borderColor: (Color r: 0.833 g: 0.833 b: 0.833)
model: a SystemSettingBrowser
slotName: nil
open: false
scrollBar: a ScrollBar(1046)
scroller: a MorphTreeTransformMorph(3458)
retractableScrollBar: false
scrollBarOnLeft: false
getMenuSelector: #menu:shifted:
getMenuTitleSelector: nil
hasFocus: true
hScrollBar: a ScrollBar(1158)
getListSelector: #roots
setSelectionSelector: #selection:
keystrokeActionSelector: #keyStroke:from:
autoDeselect: nil
columns: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeColumn a MorphTreeColumn)
sortingSelector: nil
potentialDropMorph: nil
lineColor: nil
hCellInset: 4
vCellInset: 6
columnResizers: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(2932))
withHLines: false
preferedPaneColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905)
indentGap: 20
expandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(2307)
notExpandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(1287)
resizerWidth: 4
gapAfterIcon: 4
gapAfterToggle: 5
hasToggleAtRoot: true
scrollDeltaHeight: 20
getSelectionSelector: #selection
topHeader: a Morph(3150)
topHeaderBackground: Color transparent
unboundLastColumn: true
columnDropUnabled: nil
iconReservedExtent: 16@16
columnColors: #(nil nil)
rowColors: {(Color r: 0.941 g: 0.941 b: 0.941). nil}
allowsMultipleSelection: nil
selectedMorphList: an OrderedCollection()
lastSelectedMorph: nil
doubleClickSelector: #doubleClick

Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
aMorph: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
globalPt: 651@543
localEvt: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
index: 4
child: a MorphTreeTransformMorph(3458)
morphs: an Array(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(2932) a Morph(3150) a MorphTreeTransfo...etc...
handler: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
inside: false
lastHandler: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world]
Receiver's instance variables:
lastType: #mouseDown
lastDispatch: #dispatchMouseDown:with:

Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
aMorph: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
Receiver's instance variables:
lastType: #mouseDown
lastDispatch: #dispatchMouseDown:with:

Receiver: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
defaultDispatcher: a MorphicEventDispatcher
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 642@426 corner: 1432@845
owner: a StandardWindow(2409)
submorphs: an Array(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(2932) a Morph(3150) a MorphTreeTran...etc...
fullBounds: 642@426 corner: 1432@845
color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905)
extension: a MorphExtension (1933) [locked] [eventHandler = an EventHandler re...etc...
borderWidth: 1
borderColor: (Color r: 0.833 g: 0.833 b: 0.833)
model: a SystemSettingBrowser
slotName: nil
open: false
scrollBar: a ScrollBar(1046)
scroller: a MorphTreeTransformMorph(3458)
retractableScrollBar: false
scrollBarOnLeft: false
getMenuSelector: #menu:shifted:
getMenuTitleSelector: nil
hasFocus: true
hScrollBar: a ScrollBar(1158)
getListSelector: #roots
setSelectionSelector: #selection:
keystrokeActionSelector: #keyStroke:from:
autoDeselect: nil
columns: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeColumn a MorphTreeColumn)
sortingSelector: nil
potentialDropMorph: nil
lineColor: nil
hCellInset: 4
vCellInset: 6
columnResizers: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(2932))
withHLines: false
preferedPaneColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905)
indentGap: 20
expandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(2307)
notExpandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(1287)
resizerWidth: 4
gapAfterIcon: 4
gapAfterToggle: 5
hasToggleAtRoot: true
scrollDeltaHeight: 20
getSelectionSelector: #selection
topHeader: a Morph(3150)
topHeaderBackground: Color transparent
unboundLastColumn: true
columnDropUnabled: nil
iconReservedExtent: 16@16
columnColors: #(nil nil)
rowColors: {(Color r: 0.941 g: 0.941 b: 0.941). nil}
allowsMultipleSelection: nil
selectedMorphList: an OrderedCollection()
lastSelectedMorph: nil
doubleClickSelector: #doubleClick

Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
aMorph: a StandardWindow(2409)
globalPt: 651@543
localEvt: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
index: 11
child: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
morphs: an Array(a WindowEdgeGripMorph(698) a WindowEdgeGripMorph(548) a Window...etc...
handler: nil
inside: nil
lastHandler: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world]
Receiver's instance variables:
lastType: #mouseDown
lastDispatch: #dispatchMouseDown:with:

Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
aMorph: a StandardWindow(2409)
Receiver's instance variables:
lastType: #mouseDown
lastDispatch: #dispatchMouseDown:with:

Receiver: a StandardWindow(2409)
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
defaultDispatcher: a MorphicEventDispatcher
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 637@352 corner: 1437@952
owner: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world]
submorphs: an Array(a WindowEdgeGripMorph(698) a WindowEdgeGripMorph(548) a Win...etc...
fullBounds: nil
color: (Color r: 0.816 g: 0.812 b: 0.812)
extension: a MorphExtension (200) [other: (hasDropShadow -> true) (shadowOffse...etc...
borderWidth: 1
borderColor: Color lightGray
model: a SystemSettingBrowser
slotName: nil
open: false
labelString: 'System setting browser'
stripes: an Array(a RectangleMorph(81) a RectangleMorph(3334))
label: a LabelMorph(3350)'System setting browser'
closeBox: a MultistateButtonMorph(3600)
collapseBox: a MultistateButtonMorph(1918)
activeOnlyOnTop: true
paneMorphs: an Array(a PluggableTextEditorMorph(1503) a PluggableTextEditorMorp...etc...
paneRects: nil
collapsedFrame: nil
fullFrame: 637@352 corner: 1437@952
isCollapsed: false
menuBox: an IconicButton(2409)
mustNotClose: false
labelWidgetAllowance: 98
updatablePanes: #()
allowReframeHandles: true
labelArea: an AlignmentMorph(1002)
expandBox: a MultistateButtonMorph(2851)

Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
aMorph: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world]
globalPt: 651@543
localEvt: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
index: 2
child: a StandardWindow(2409)
morphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(3095) a StandardWindow(2409) a PreferenceBrowse...etc...
handler: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world]
inside: nil
lastHandler: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
lastType: #mouseDown
lastDispatch: #dispatchMouseDown:with:

Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
aMorph: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world]
Receiver's instance variables:
lastType: #mouseDown
lastDispatch: #dispatchMouseDown:with:

Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world]
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
defaultDispatcher: a MorphicEventDispatcher
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 0@0 corner: 1920@1150
owner: nil
submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(3095) a PreDebugWindow(236) a StandardWindow...etc...
fullBounds: nil
color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0)
extension: a MorphExtension (2543) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [other: (...etc...
borderWidth: 0
borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0)
model: a MorphicModel(1926)
cursor: 1
padding: 3
backgroundMorph: nil
isPartsBin: nil
autoLineLayout: false
indicateCursor: nil
resizeToFit: nil
wantsMouseOverHalos: nil
worldState: a WorldState
griddingOn: nil

Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world]
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
defaultDispatcher: a MorphicEventDispatcher
priorWorld: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world]
result: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 0@0 corner: 1920@1150
owner: nil
submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(3095) a PreDebugWindow(236) a StandardWindow...etc...
fullBounds: nil
color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0)
extension: a MorphExtension (2543) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [other: (...etc...
borderWidth: 0
borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0)
model: a MorphicModel(1926)
cursor: 1
padding: 3
backgroundMorph: nil
isPartsBin: nil
autoLineLayout: false
indicateCursor: nil
resizeToFit: nil
wantsMouseOverHalos: nil
worldState: a WorldState
griddingOn: nil

Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world]
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 0@0 corner: 1920@1150
owner: nil
submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(3095) a PreDebugWindow(236) a StandardWindow...etc...
fullBounds: nil
color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0)
extension: a MorphExtension (2543) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [other: (...etc...
borderWidth: 0
borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0)
model: a MorphicModel(1926)
cursor: 1
padding: 3
backgroundMorph: nil
isPartsBin: nil
autoLineLayout: false
indicateCursor: nil
resizeToFit: nil
wantsMouseOverHalos: nil
worldState: a WorldState
griddingOn: nil

Receiver: a HandMorph(3216)
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
focusHolder: nil
aBlock: [closure] in HandMorph>>sendMouseEvent:
result: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 651@543 corner: 667@559
owner: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world]
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 651@543 corner: 667@559
color: Color blue
extension: a MorphExtension (539) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
mouseFocus: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
keyboardFocus: a PluggableButtonMorph(289)
eventListeners: nil
mouseListeners: nil
keyboardListeners: nil
mouseClickState: nil
mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
lastMouseEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
targetOffset: 9@117
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
cacheCanvas: nil
cachedCanvasHasHoles: true
temporaryCursor: nil
temporaryCursorOffset: nil
hardwareCursor: nil
hasChanged: true
savedPatch: nil
userInitials: ''
lastEventBuffer: #(1 1369922 651 543 4 0 0 1)
lastKeyScanCode: 18
combinedChar: nil

Receiver: a HandMorph(3216)
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 651@543 corner: 667@559
owner: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world]
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 651@543 corner: 667@559
color: Color blue
extension: a MorphExtension (539) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
mouseFocus: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
keyboardFocus: a PluggableButtonMorph(289)
eventListeners: nil
mouseListeners: nil
keyboardListeners: nil
mouseClickState: nil
mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
lastMouseEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
targetOffset: 9@117
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
cacheCanvas: nil
cachedCanvasHasHoles: true
temporaryCursor: nil
temporaryCursorOffset: nil
hardwareCursor: nil
hasChanged: true
savedPatch: nil
userInitials: ''
lastEventBuffer: #(1 1369922 651 543 4 0 0 1)
lastKeyScanCode: 18
combinedChar: nil

Receiver: a HandMorph(3216)
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
evt: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
ofs: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 651@543 corner: 667@559
owner: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world]
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 651@543 corner: 667@559
color: Color blue
extension: a MorphExtension (539) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
mouseFocus: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
keyboardFocus: a PluggableButtonMorph(289)
eventListeners: nil
mouseListeners: nil
keyboardListeners: nil
mouseClickState: nil
mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
lastMouseEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
targetOffset: 9@117
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
cacheCanvas: nil
cachedCanvasHasHoles: true
temporaryCursor: nil
temporaryCursorOffset: nil
hardwareCursor: nil
hasChanged: true
savedPatch: nil
userInitials: ''
lastEventBuffer: #(1 1369922 651 543 4 0 0 1)
lastKeyScanCode: 18
combinedChar: nil

Receiver: a HandMorph(3216)
Arguments and temporary variables:
evt: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
evtBuf: #(1 1369922 651 543 4 0 0 1)
type: 1
hadAny: false
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 651@543 corner: 667@559
owner: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world]
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 651@543 corner: 667@559
color: Color blue
extension: a MorphExtension (539) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
mouseFocus: a MorphTreeMorph(2492)
keyboardFocus: a PluggableButtonMorph(289)
eventListeners: nil
mouseListeners: nil
keyboardListeners: nil
mouseClickState: nil
mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
lastMouseEvent: [651@543 mouseDown red 1369922 nil]
targetOffset: 9@117
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
cacheCanvas: nil
cachedCanvasHasHoles: true
temporaryCursor: nil
temporaryCursorOffset: nil
hardwareCursor: nil
hasChanged: true
savedPatch: nil
userInitials: ''
lastEventBuffer: #(1 1369922 651 543 4 0 0 1)
lastKeyScanCode: 18
combinedChar: nil

[] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
Receiver: a WorldState
Arguments and temporary variables:
h: a HandMorph(3216)
Receiver's instance variables:
hands: an Array(a HandMorph(3216))
viewBox: 0@0 corner: 1920@1150
canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(1920x1150x32)
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an EditableDropListMorph(1020))(an Edi...etc...
lastStepTime: 1369916
lastStepMessage: nil
lastCycleTime: 1369956
commandHistory: a CommandHistory
alarms: a Heap()
lastAlarmTime: 1369916

Receiver: an Array(a HandMorph(3216))
Arguments and temporary variables:
aBlock: [closure] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
index: 1
indexLimiT: 1
Receiver's instance variables:
an Array(a HandMorph(3216))
Receiver: a WorldState
Arguments and temporary variables:
aBlock: [closure] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
Receiver's instance variables:
hands: an Array(a HandMorph(3216))
viewBox: 0@0 corner: 1920@1150
canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(1920x1150x32)
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an EditableDropListMorph(1020))(an Edi...etc...
lastStepTime: 1369916
lastStepMessage: nil
lastCycleTime: 1369956
commandHistory: a CommandHistory
alarms: a Heap()
lastAlarmTime: 1369916

Receiver: a WorldState
Arguments and temporary variables:
aWorld: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world]
Receiver's instance variables:
hands: an Array(a HandMorph(3216))
viewBox: 0@0 corner: 1920@1150
canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(1920x1150x32)
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an EditableDropListMorph(1020))(an Edi...etc...
lastStepTime: 1369916
lastStepMessage: nil
lastCycleTime: 1369956
commandHistory: a CommandHistory
alarms: a Heap()
lastAlarmTime: 1369916

Receiver: a WorldState
Arguments and temporary variables:
aWorld: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world]
Receiver's instance variables:
hands: an Array(a HandMorph(3216))
viewBox: 0@0 corner: 1920@1150
canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(1920x1150x32)
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an EditableDropListMorph(1020))(an Edi...etc...
lastStepTime: 1369916
lastStepMessage: nil
lastCycleTime: 1369956
commandHistory: a CommandHistory
alarms: a Heap()
lastAlarmTime: 1369916

Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world]
Arguments and temporary variables:

Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 0@0 corner: 1920@1150
owner: nil
submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(3095) a PreDebugWindow(236) a StandardWindow...etc...
fullBounds: nil
color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0)
extension: a MorphExtension (2543) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [other: (...etc...
borderWidth: 0
borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0)
model: a MorphicModel(1926)
cursor: 1
padding: 3
backgroundMorph: nil
isPartsBin: nil
autoLineLayout: false
indicateCursor: nil
resizeToFit: nil
wantsMouseOverHalos: nil
worldState: a WorldState
griddingOn: nil

[] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess
Receiver: Project
Arguments and temporary variables:

Receiver's instance variables:
superclass: Model
methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#assureMainDockingBarPresenceMatchesPreference->...etc...
format: 170
instanceVariables: #('world' 'changeSet' 'transcript' 'parentProject' 'previous...etc...
organization: ('*Polymorph-Widgets' createTaskbarIfNecessary moveCollapsedWindo...etc...
subclasses: nil
name: #Project
classPool: a Dictionary(#AllProjects->an OrderedCollection(a Project) #CurrentP...etc...
sharedPools: nil
environment: Smalltalk
category: #'System-Support'
traitComposition: {}
localSelectors: nil

[] in BlockClosure>>newProcess
Receiver: [closure] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess
Arguments and temporary variables:

Receiver's instance variables:
outerContext: Project class>>spawnNewProcess
startpc: 53
numArgs: 0

--- The full stack ---
UserInterruptHandler class(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #cmdDotEnabled
[] in MorphTreeMorph>>addMorphsAfter:fromCollection:allowSorting:
[] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
[] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess
[] in BlockClosure>>newProcess

Kind Regards,


imagination is more important than knowledge - Albert Einstein
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere - Albert Einstein
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. - Albert Einstein
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. - Albert Einstein
Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. - Albert Einstein

Pharo-project mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Preference Browser and new System setting browser signal exception while opening the 'debug'

Alain Plantec-4
Hi Bart,

Strange, all is ok here with a freshly updated 11083.
Maybe you've loaded an old  Kernel package or filein something with
an old UserInterruptHandler class version.


Pharo-project mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Preference Browser and new System setting browser signal exception while opening the 'debug'

Bart Gauquie

I did not load anything new in the image, just updated to latest.

I've retried with a new fresh image, updating it to the latest, and now it works as expected. I'll let you know if it fails again.

Kind Regards,


On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 4:36 PM, Alain Plantec <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Bart,

Strange, all is ok here with a freshly updated 11083.
Maybe you've loaded an old  Kernel package or filein something with
an old UserInterruptHandler class version.


Pharo-project mailing list
[hidden email]

imagination is more important than knowledge - Albert Einstein
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere - Albert Einstein
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. - Albert Einstein
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. - Albert Einstein
Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. - Albert Einstein

Pharo-project mailing list
[hidden email]