Preference to settings refactoring: #annotationPanes case

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Preference to settings refactoring: #annotationPanes case

Alain Plantec-4


annotationPanes :
"if true, a thin horizontal pane is used in browsers"

We have 3 implementations : Old browser and MC implementation in Pharo-core
and OB one in Pharo-dev.

Pharo-core Old browser implementation:
It first relies on the #annotation related methods. (changed: #annotation,
Browser>>annotation, ChangeList>>annotation, CodeHolder>>annotation).
CodeHolder>>wantsAnnotationPane is the only user of the annotationPanes
CodeHolder>>addOptionalAnnotationsTo: window at: fractions plus: verticalOffset
is the only user of wantsAnnotationPane.
It has two senders: Browser>>openAsMorphMessageEditing: and
CodeHolder>>addLowerPanesTo: window at: nominalFractions with: editString.

method source with #annotation gives more interesting results such as:
"If the receiver has an annotation pane that does not
        bear unaccepted edits, refresh it"
        (aPane := self dependents
                                detect: [:m | (m inheritsFromAnyIn: #('PluggableTextView'
'PluggableTextMorph' ))
                                                and: [m getTextSelector == #annotation]]
                                ifNone: [])
                ifNotNil: [:aPane | aPane hasUnacceptedEdits
                                ifFalse: [aPane update: #annotation]]

other "cool" pieces of code:
        ok := self acceptTextInModel.
        ok == true
                ifTrue: [self setText: self getText.
                        self hasUnacceptedEdits: false.
                        (model dependents
                                detect: [:dep | (dep isKindOf: PluggableTextMorph)
                                                and: [dep getTextSelector == #annotation]]
                                ifNone: [])
                                ifNotNilDo: [:aPane | model changed: #annotation]].
        self setText: self getText.
        self setSelection: self getSelection.
        getTextSelector == #annotation
                ifFalse: [(aPane := model dependents
                                                detect: [:dep | (dep isKindOf: PluggableTextMorph)
                                                                and: [dep getTextSelector == #annotation]]
                                                ifNone: [])
                                ifNotNil: [:aPane | model changed: #annotation]]
The displayed annotation is set only when a browser or message list is
opened. Then, displayed information concerns only the method on which the
browser is opened or only the method FROM which sender/implementor message
list is opened. The annotation is never updated even a new method is selected.

Pharo-core MC implementation:
MCSnapshotBrowser, MCPatchBrowser, MCMergeBrowser: display (well)
annotation when a method is selected.  The method author initials, the date
and the time of change and the category are displayed. Note that the height
of the pane is sometime too thin, depending on the height of the font. When
a vertical scrollbar is shown, the pane is always too thin. The
implementation relies on #annotations and #annotations: methods.

#annotations implementations
MCCodeTool>>annotations (subclassresponsibility) ok
MCConflict>>annotations ok
MCPatchBrowser>>annotations ok
MCSnapshotBrowser>>annotations ok
MCDefinition>>annotations and MCPatchOperation>>annotations make use of
Preferences class>>defaultAnnotationRequests.
Preferences class>>defaultAnnotationRequests
        ^ Parameters
                at: #MethodAnnotations
                ifAbsent: [self setDefaultAnnotationInfo
                        "Preferences annotationInfo"]
#annotations: implementations
MCDefinition>>annotations: and MCPatchOperation>>annotations: are the same
MCDefinition>>annotations: requests
        "Answer a string for an annotation pane, trying to
        fulfill the annotation requests.
        These might include anything that
        Preferences defaultAnnotationRequests
        might return. Which includes anything in
        Preferences annotationInfo
        To edit these, use:"
        "Preferences editAnnotations"
        ^ String
                streamContents: [:s | self printAnnotations: requests on: s]
MCSnapshotBrowser>>annotations: stuff
        self changed: #annotations

The displayed data is given by Preferences annotationInfo which is supposed
to be adaptable with the help of a specific tool opened with Preferences

The annotation is well updated each time a new method is selected. I didn't
succeed in making Preferences editAnnotations work. Found the
implementation clean except the Preferences annotationInfo/editAnnotations

Pharo-dev OB implementation
Relies on a OBAnnotationPanel for the view and on the OBSelectionChanged
announcement for the annotation update. It works well. The implementation
is simple and clean (The only bad point I've found is that, as for the
Pharo-core MC implementation, the height of the panel is fixed whereas it
should be dynamically computed from current code font height)

Would remove the annotationPanes preference from pharo-core and make an
OBBrowser specific setting.
Why: because old browser implementation is really confusing and dirty and
because it do not give useful feedback to the user.
Would also remove MC implementation because it is not used by default and I
think that MC user do not care about it. If people want to keep it, then it
should not relies on a specific setting. Anyway, the Preferences
annotationInfo/editAnnotations part should be removed.

Clean/remove all annotation related code from Pharo-core.
Ask OB maintainers to add an OB specific settings as follow:

OBCodeBrowser class>>showAnnotationPanel
        ^ ShowAnnotationPanel
                ifNil: [ShowAnnotationPanel := (SettingManager newSetting: 'Show
annotation panel')
                default: true;
                parent: #obBrowsing;
                                        description: 'If true, a thin horizontal panel is used in browsers.
The annotation panel is used to display useful informations about the
selected method']

I will propose a .cs for the cleaning of Pharo-core when I will know what
to do with MC implementation (keep, remove, ok to keep with cleaning?).
Then I will propose a .cs to OB maintainers for Pharo-dev.



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