Prereq packages not loading properly.

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Prereq packages not loading properly.

Chris Hayes-3
While trying to load some packages saved with a 4.0 image, I get the
following error dialog:

"Pool dictionary CcDirectInputConstants does not exist.  Proceed to create
it as an empty constants pool."

The dialog options are "abort", "retry" and "ignore".

The package I'm attempting to load prereqs a second package.  The second
package defines the pool dictionary in question (CcDirectInputConstants).

It doesn't appear that the prereqed package is being loaded.

Both packages load correctly in a 4.0 image. (i.e., When I attempt to load
the 1st package, the second package loads automatically without any errors).

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Re: Prereq packages not loading properly.

Bill Schwab-2

> "Pool dictionary CcDirectInputConstants does not exist.  Proceed to create
> it as an empty constants pool."
> The dialog options are "abort", "retry" and "ignore". [snip]

I've seen that too.  Thanks for describing it so well.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Prereq packages not loading properly.

Blair McGlashan
Bill, Chris

"Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> Chris,
> > "Pool dictionary CcDirectInputConstants does not exist.  Proceed to
> > it as an empty constants pool."
> >
> > The dialog options are "abort", "retry" and "ignore". [snip]
> I've seen that too.  Thanks for describing it so well.

I think there is a general load order problem in .PAC files that define pool
constants dictionaries, rather than a problem loading pre-reqs, but we will

Thanks for defect #478.

