Prereq problem in 5.0.3

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Prereq problem in 5.0.3

Ian Bartholomew-18
There seems to be a prerequisite problem concerning the ActiveX classes.
Create a class and add the following, very useful, method.


Create a new package, add the new class and try to save it.  It works
with 5.0.1 but fails with a prerequisite problem under 5.0.3.

There are also two new AX* classes that are shown as uncommitted
(AXAutomationAspect and AXRecordAspect).  If you add them to the ActiveX
Automation package then saving the test package works correctly - but
I'm not sure if that is where the two classes belong?


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Re: Prereq problem in 5.0.3

Bill Dargel
> There are also two new AX* classes that are shown as uncommitted
> (AXAutomationAspect and AXRecordAspect).  If you add them to the ActiveX
> Automation package then saving the test package works correctly - but
> I'm not sure if that is where the two classes belong?

I just tried this in 5.0.3 and didn't have a problem.

As Blair said in various messages here, there was an issue with the patches
when going from PL1 directly to PL3. The trick was to sort the patches in
live update so that they showed in ascending order, and to select and
install just PL2 first, and only then to install PL3. With that, the the two
AX* classes get put into ActiveX Automation Development, where they belong
(along with some loose methods getting packaged correctly).


Bill Dargel            [hidden email]
Shoshana Technologies
100 West Joy Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105  USA

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Re: Prereq problem in 5.0.3

Ian Bartholomew-18

> As Blair said in various messages here, there was an issue with the
> patches when going from PL1 directly to PL3. The trick was to sort
> the patches in live update so that they showed in ascending order,
> and to select and install just PL2 first, and only then to install
> PL3. With that, the the two AX* classes get put into ActiveX
> Automation Development, where they belong (along with some loose
> methods getting packaged correctly).

You are quite right.  I tried doing it as you describe and the two
methods are then packaged correctly.

However - just to justify myself a bit  :-)  Blair's original post was

Ian, I think this is the problem with LiveUpdate. My instructions were
helpful. The order of the items in the list is the issue. If starting
5.01, it is necessary to click on the Available Patches column so that
patches are listed in ascending order. You can then install both by
selecting the last (i.e. PL3). Alternatively you can first file in the
attached patch (from PL3) which fixes LiveUpdate itself.

Note the line -  "You can then install both by selecting the last (i.e.
PL3)".  If you do that (and I did try again from scratch before my
original post) then the two methods aren't packaged.  It appears that
you have to sort, install patch 2 and then patch 3 to get the correct

All good fun though!
