Presentation at FOSDEM

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Presentation at FOSDEM

Stephan Eggermont-3
Sunday 2011-2-6 we'll show how we deployed our Seaside application. If you're interested, please join us.


Configuration & Systems Management devroom (room AW1.120)
        • 15:00 - 15:45: Configuration management for developers (Stephan Eggermont, Willem van den Ende)

We created a server environment so a small startup could deploy its web application with all the services it needs. Well, environment is a big word... bootstrapped startups don't have money to manage redundant servers, so we set up just one production server. Still, when disaster strikes, we want to be able to have another server up and running within thirty minutes. For developers laziness is a virtue. Therefore we want to apply DRY (don't repeat yourself) to systems administration. So for this project we considered each time we log in to the production server a 'systems administration smell'. Attend our case study to see how we used a configuration managent system (puppet), application specific scripts and a few practices to keep us sane. See how far we have gotten towards our goal of DRYness and fast recovery, and learn from our mistakes._______________________________________________
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Re: Presentation at FOSDEM

stephane ducasse
Well done Stephan!
On Jan 24, 2011, at 10:47 AM, Stephan Eggermont wrote:

> Sunday 2011-2-6 we'll show how we deployed our Seaside application. If you're interested, please join us.
> Stephan
> Configuration & Systems Management devroom (room AW1.120)
> • 15:00 - 15:45: Configuration management for developers (Stephan Eggermont, Willem van den Ende)
> We created a server environment so a small startup could deploy its web application with all the services it needs. Well, environment is a big word... bootstrapped startups don't have money to manage redundant servers, so we set up just one production server. Still, when disaster strikes, we want to be able to have another server up and running within thirty minutes. For developers laziness is a virtue. Therefore we want to apply DRY (don't repeat yourself) to systems administration. So for this project we considered each time we log in to the production server a 'systems administration smell'. Attend our case study to see how we used a configuration managent system (puppet), application specific scripts and a few practices to keep us sane. See how far we have gotten towards our goal of DRYness and fast recovery, and learn from our mistakes._______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> [hidden email]

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