Presenter>>curor not called by default?

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Presenter>>curor not called by default?
I'm referring to
Does it mean that the recommended way would be to override
Presenter>>onGetCursor: to simple answer the desired cursor? I'm using
5.1.4 and actually it seems that we only need to change the following
for both Presenter>>cursor and View>>cursor to work.


Presenter>>onGetCursor: aSymbol
    | globalCursor |
    ^(aSymbol == #client and: [(globalCursor := Cursor current)
        ifTrue: [globalCursor]
        ifFalse: [self view onGetCursor: aSymbol]


Presenter>>onGetCursor: aSymbol
    | globalCursor |
    ^(aSymbol == #client and: [(globalCursor := Cursor current)
        ifTrue: [globalCursor]
        ifFalse: [self cursorl]


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Re: Presenter>>curor not called by default?

Ian Bartholomew-19

> Does it mean that the recommended way would be to override
> Presenter>>onGetCursor: to simple answer the desired cursor? I'm using
> 5.1.4 and actually it seems that we only need to change the following
> for both Presenter>>cursor and View>>cursor to work.

I wouldn't worry about it.  Presenter>>cursor was made redundant in Dolphin
5.0.2 but was, inadvertently, not removed from the image. It is no longer
present in Dolphin 6.


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