Preserving Pharo Window state between sessions

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Preserving Pharo Window state between sessions

Esteban A. Maringolo
Is there a way to preserve the window state after saving the image on
quit and restarting it again?

If I save my image window maximized I would like it to be maximized
when starting again.

Having it otherwise can be annoying when moving from different screen
resolutions, because a 1920x1080 maximized window becomes a "floating"
(non-maximized) window that size on a smaller screen.

I guess this is controlled by the VM and not the image, but there is a
way to maximize the window from the image? This way it could be a
preference of some sort.


Esteban A. Maringolo

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Re: Preserving Pharo Window state between sessions


What happened with the HostWindowProxy?

El mar., 5 may. 2020 a las 15:32, Esteban Maringolo (<[hidden email]>) escribió:
Is there a way to preserve the window state after saving the image on
quit and restarting it again?

If I save my image window maximized I would like it to be maximized
when starting again.

Having it otherwise can be annoying when moving from different screen
resolutions, because a 1920x1080 maximized window becomes a "floating"
(non-maximized) window that size on a smaller screen.

I guess this is controlled by the VM and not the image, but there is a
way to maximize the window from the image? This way it could be a
preference of some sort.


Esteban A. Maringolo