PrimitiveFailed: primitive #createDirectory: in UnixStore failed

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PrimitiveFailed: primitive #createDirectory: in UnixStore failed

Jacob Wagner
Hi.  I am trying to run pharo 6 in an Ubuntu 16 vm running XFCE desktop environment.  I downloaded the 64 bit pharo zip and executed ./pharo
The pharo GUI starts but immediately a debugger opens with the title's error message.
After this, I cannot exit the VM normally by clicking the "x" in the upper right hand corner, i have to close the terminal because a similar error will popup if I try to close the window.

How should I proceed?  Not sure if I need to change permissions on files or whatever.  
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Re: PrimitiveFailed: primitive #createDirectory: in UnixStore failed

Jacob Wagner
Sorry for the newbie answer, turns out I just needed to sudo ./pharo
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Re: PrimitiveFailed: primitive #createDirectory: in UnixStore failed

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2
Hi Jacob,

This means that you uncompressed the file using root permissions instead
of using default user ones, because you shouldn't need sudo to run
Pharo. The alternative should be to change the permissions on the folder
you made have Pharo so you don't need sudo each time. Something like

sudo chown -R myuser:myuser PharoFolder/

should work.

Cheers, and welcome to the community.


On 01/07/17 17:17, Jacob Wagner wrote:

> Sorry for the newbie answer, turns out I just needed to sudo ./pharo
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