Primitives ?

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Primitives ?

Hi All,

I'm looking at some low level details of Pharo Smalltalk and I am wondering,
when I see a primitive in the bytecode, is it safe to assume that before
the primitive is executed, the receiver and any args to the method are pushed
onto the stack?

Rgs, James.

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Re: Primitives ?

Michael Haupt-3

from the caller perspective, a primitive looks just like a method, so the VM, when executing the primitive, finds the arguments on the stack. Look at any of the primitive implementations in the VM source and how arguments are retrieved. 



P.S. Will there eventually be content on ;-)

Am 26.07.2010 um 00:52 schrieb James Ladd <[hidden email]>:

Hi All,

I'm looking at some low level details of Pharo Smalltalk and I am wondering,
when I see a primitive in the bytecode, is it safe to assume that before
the primitive is executed, the receiver and any args to the method are pushed
onto the stack?

Rgs, James.

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Re: Primitives ?

Mariano Martinez Peck
In reply to this post by jamesl

2010/7/26 James Ladd <[hidden email]>
Hi All,

I'm looking at some low level details of Pharo Smalltalk and I am wondering,
when I see a primitive in the bytecode, is it safe to assume that before
the primitive is executed, the receiver and any args to the method are pushed
onto the stack?

As far as I understand, yes. Check in VMMaker package, look in Interpreter class and check some primitives.

But I am not a VMMaker expert....



Rgs, James.

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