Printing Floats

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Printing Floats

Ian Bartholomew-3
The DefSigFigs value in D5 has been changed to 16 (from 15 in D4).  This can
have unpleasant results for some values -

94.6 printString now answers  '94.59999999999999'

(94.6 roundTo: 0.01) printString now answers '94.60000000000001'

In D4 they both answer '94.6'


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Re: Printing Floats

Blair McGlashan
"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> The DefSigFigs value in D5 has been changed to 16 (from 15 in D4).  This
> have unpleasant results for some values -
> 94.6 printString now answers  '94.59999999999999'
> (94.6 roundTo: 0.01) printString now answers '94.60000000000001'
> In D4 they both answer '94.6'

Thanks Ian, #678.
