Griff wrote:
> Hi,
> Where is the documentation, what is the API, for printing to a printer,
> in Dolphin 6?
Hi Griff.
I'm no expert at printing in Dolphin. But try <evaluating> the lines
that follow
in a workspace.
Transcript show: 'hello'.
cr := String lineDelimiter.
t := 'Hi',cr,cr, Transcript contents.
f := Font choose.
p := PrinterCanvas choose.
p startDoc.
p startPage.
p lineTo: 4800 @ 6400.
p font: f.
p formatText: t in: (50 @ 100 extent: 1200 @ 1200).
p basicFree.
First line write to the system transcript.
other lines print stuff out and adds the text of the transcript,
let user choose the font and printer, then print it out.
Hope that helps.