Printing out a whole class definition

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Printing out a whole class definition


Previously I've used Learningworks on an OU course and in there was a
menu option to print out all a class' methods to a file or printer.

Is it possible to do this in Dolphin 4?

Thanks in advance,  Paul.

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Re: Printing out a whole class definition

Ian Bartholomew

> Previously I've used Learningworks on an OU course and in there was a
> menu option to print out all a class' methods to a file or printer.
> Is it possible to do this in Dolphin 4?

Not directly from the development environment, although you can copy (via
drag/drop) the class definition and methods to a Workspace from where it can
be saved and then printed.

In addition, I've got a goodie (RichText) on my web site that will allow you
to print either a complete class or all the classes and methods belonging to
a package. After installing start the RichText editor from the  Additional
Tools view/menu and select Smalltalk/Edit class. You can choose a class from
the list which is then formatted and displayed as a RichText document. This
can then be saved or printed (using the included Printer goodie) in colour.


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Re: Printing out a whole class definition

Ian Bartholomew
Ooops, a bit of over aggressive editing there. The previous reply was also
supposed to mention, and originally did, the "File out" option on the
ClassBrowsers class and context menu that files out a complete class in one
go. This is intended to be filed back in to another image but could also be
printed out as it is just a normal text file with a few extra bits added.
