Printing - via rendering to static HTML file and prince CSS?

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Printing - via rendering to static HTML file and prince CSS?

How would I go about doing a #renderContentOn: run re-directed to a
disk-based html file? I am looking for an easy way to print to nice PDF, and
  xhtml->Prince CSS
is a good option.

Any other suggestions welcome as well.

Thanks - Sophie

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RE: Printing - via rendering to static HTML file and princeCSS?

Boris Popov, DeepCove Labs (SNN)
Here's a rough sketch of how we do it in-memory before feeding the XHTML
to PDFReactor for conversion (apologies for formatting),

| handler response |
handler := WARenderContinuation root: (PDFRoot for: self).
response := WAResponse new.
handler context: (WARenderingContext new session: self session;
actionUrl: WAUrl new; yourself).
handler processRendering: response.
^(PDFClient default convertXHTML: response contents contents) pDF.

This returns PDF bytes that you can send back to the client with
something like,

        downloadBytes: (self report asPDF: self contact)
        mime: 'application/pdf'
        filename: ('Accounts <1s>.pdf' expandMacrosWith: (Core.Date
today printUsing: 'yyyy-mm-dd')).

And here's all the other supporting stuff to make it work, its somewhat
specific to what we do, but you should get an idea anyway,

Component>>asPDF: contact
^self application rootComponent pdfSessionFor: contact do: [self asPDF]

RootComponent class>>pdfSessionFor: contact do: block
        sessionFor: contact
        do: block
        isPDF: true.

RootComponent class>>sessionFor: contact do: block isPDF: boolean
^WACurrentSession value
                [| session |
                session := (self sessionClass new)
                                                isPDF: boolean;
                                                setParent: self
                                                attachContact: contact;
                        use: session
                        during: block] ensure: [session expire]]
                [:session |
                | old |
                old := session isPDF.
                session isPDF: boolean.
                block ensure: [session isPDF: old]].

PDFRoot class>>for: aComponent
^(self new)
        component: aComponent;

^Array with: component.

PDFRoot>>component: anObject
component := anObject.

renderContentOn: html
 html render: self component.

updateRoot: root
root initialize.
root beXhtml10Strict.
root style add: (Styles default documentForFile: 'print.css').
root style add: self session branding default print.
root style add: 'svg {-ro-replacedelement:

Component>>downloadBytes: bytes mime: mime filename: filename
| handler |
handler := WADocumentHandler document: bytes mimeType: mime fileName:
^self session returnResponse: handler response

Hope this helps,


DeepCove Labs Ltd.
4th floor 595 Howe Street
Vancouver, Canada V6C 2T5

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:seaside-
> [hidden email]] On Behalf Of itsme213
> Sent: Friday, March 14, 2008 7:28 AM
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: [Seaside] Printing - via rendering to static HTML file and
> princeCSS?
> How would I go about doing a #renderContentOn: run re-directed to a
> disk-based html file? I am looking for an easy way to print to nice

> and
> apparently
>   xhtml->Prince CSS
> is a good option.
> Any other suggestions welcome as well.
> Thanks - Sophie
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Re: Printing - via rendering to static HTML file andprinceCSS?

"Boris Popov" <[hidden email]> wrote in message

> ...
> Hope this helps

I am quite sure it will, once I understand the code. Thanks very much!


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