Problem accepting an edited method

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Problem accepting an edited method

Bill Schwab-2
Hi Blair,

This one was probably due to an open debugger that I didn't see, but, I'll
mention it just in case.

First an aside: I was playing around with list/collection aspects, and
noticed that D5 fixes a problem I was having in D4.  D4 would capture the
"addFrom:" array on the first evaluation, or something like that.  D5
appears to structure the blocks differently.  Were the changes intended to
address the failure to update the choices?  If so, it seems to be working.
I briefly played with a #list:addFromValue: method in D4, and was going to
suggest it until I noticed the changes D5.

Because things were working better, I got a little further in my
experiments - far enough to notice that it was terribly slow (on a Pentium
III).  The poor performance is most likley my doing, and I started to add
some lazy initialization to improve it; I was doing it incorrectly, but,
that's the fun of debugging<g>.  After some fun with semi-recursive
walkbacks, I was trying to save an updated method in a CHB, and kept getting
the error below.  Closing the offending browser didn't fix it, so I decided
to "file out" the method that was most interesting, and exit w/o saving.
Sadly, I didn't think about a covered debugger until after I exited.

Have a good one,


12:52:00 PM, Friday, February 22, 2002: Unhandled exception - a
BoundsError('Index 33534 is out of bounds')

[] in Debugger>>onMethodUpdated:

Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Problem with text pane of SystemBrowser

Alan Reider
In a SystemBrowser, the text pane turned gray, and was readonly, (dings on
keystrokes). And Accept was grayed out. Selected a different class, then back
to the original class, and it went away.

Unfortunately I dont know how I got here, and CNR as yet.

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Re: Problem with text pane of SystemBrowser

Bill Schwab-2

> In a SystemBrowser, the text pane turned gray, and was readonly, (dings on
> keystrokes). And Accept was grayed out. Selected a different class, then
> to the original class, and it went away.
> Unfortunately I dont know how I got here, and CNR as yet.

Anything in your .errors file???

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Problem with text pane of SystemBrowser

Andy Bower
In reply to this post by Alan Reider

> In a SystemBrowser, the text pane turned gray, and was readonly, (dings on
> keystrokes). And Accept was grayed out. Selected a different class, then
> to the original class, and it went away.
> Unfortunately I dont know how I got here, and CNR as yet.

You were probably viewing an inherited method. You are not allowed to edit
inherited methods without first going to the owning class.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: Problem with text pane of SystemBrowser

Alan Reider

No, I wasnt looking at an inherited method. Here is how it happens.

Edit a  method but dont save. Now click a different class. Now there is a
fork. Either:

1- selection changes, methodpane grays, you get *2* changes-not-saved dialogs.
Reply yes 2x and the pane is gray, the class selection changed but method is
still from the old class.

2- CNR at the moment. I believe what happens is the methodpane doesnt gray
until you answer the changes-not-saved dialog. Then it grays.

I'm assuming the class selection change should not occur until after the
dialog is dismissed, or when it is vetoed by replying 'yes', it should switch


On Fri, 22 Feb 2002 23:45:09 -0000, "Andy Bower" <[hidden email]>

>> In a SystemBrowser, the text pane turned gray, and was readonly, (dings on
>> keystrokes). And Accept was grayed out. Selected a different class, then
>> to the original class, and it went away.
>> Unfortunately I dont know how I got here, and CNR as yet.
>You were probably viewing an inherited method. You are not allowed to edit
>inherited methods without first going to the owning class.
>Best Regards,
>Andy Bower
>Dolphin Support
>Are you trying too hard?