Did you know that by overriding the method "HTTPPostDatum>>value:" make "HTTPRequestTest>>testPostUrlEncodedData" fails?
I wonder why the HTTPPostDatum needs a collection to store a value, because if I'm not wrong, the only place where the datum (HTTPPostDatum) is used is in the message "SeasideResource>>unwrapFields:", and it ends using the "addAll:" message.
So, I'm missing something? There is another place where the datum needs a collection?
Thanks for your time,
Lautaro Fernández
PS: I'm working with VWnc 7.5, Swazoo 1.0 and Seaside 2.8, all from the repository of Cincom.
==Original message==
value: anObject
value:= anObject
==Override message==
value: anObject
value isNil ifTrue: [value := OrderedCollection new].
value add: anObject
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