Problem starting Seaside with GLASS 3.01

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Problem starting Seaside with GLASS 3.01

Sebastia Van Lacke
Hi all, I have installed GLASS 3.01 using the script, but I'm having
problems starting seaside.
I've executed runSeasideGems30 start FastCGI "9001 9002 9003", but
doesn´t work, I get  "503 - Service Not Available" and "500 - Internal
Server Error" from the web browser.

If I run startSeaside_Hyper 50081
I get an error

topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> GemStone Smalltalk Compiler Errors:
   | server site |

   GsProcess usingNativeCode not
     ifTrue: [
       "Enable remote Breakpoing handling"
       Breakpoint trappable: true.
       GemToGemAnnouncement installStaticHandler.
       System commitTransaction ifFalse: [ nil error: 'Could not
commit for GemToGemSignaling' ].

   System transactionMode: #manualBegin.

       [:ex :cat :num :args |
         "Run the abort in a lowPriority process, since we must acquire the
           SeasidePlatformSupport transactionMutex
 *         ^1                                                         *******
             critical: [
               SeasidePlatformSupport doAbortTransaction ].
           System enableSignaledAbortError.
         ] forkAt: Processor lowestPriority.
     category: GemStoneError
     number: 6009
     subtype: nil.
   System enableSignaledAbortError.
   "This thread is needed to handle the SigAbort exception, when the primary
    thread is blocked on an accept. Assuming default 60 second
    STN_GEM_ABORT_TIMEOUT, wake up at 30 second intervals."
     [ true ] whileTrue: [ (Delay forSeconds: 30) wait ].
   ] forkAt: Processor lowestPriority.

   server := SwazooServer singleton.
 *           ^2                                                       *******
   server initialize.

   site := (SeasideSite new)
 *          ^3                                                        *******
     name: 'Seaside';
     host: GsSocket getLocalHostName
       ip: (GsSocket getHostAddressByName: GsSocket getLocalHostName)
       port: 50081;
     initializeResourceFromUriPattern: '/', 'seaside'.

   server addSite: site.

   GsFile gciLogServer: 'Hyper Server started on port ', 50081 printString.

   SwazooServer startSite: 'Seaside'.
   "does not return, unless there's an error"

1: [1031] undefined symbol
2: [1031] undefined symbol
3: [1031] undefined symbol
4: [1031] undefined symbol
topaz > exec iferr 1 : where
Stack is not active
topaz 1> topaz 1> [268 sz:0 cls: 68097 Boolean] true

Any help?



sebastian van lacke | web developer |  caesar systems | see clearly.
decide smarter.

[hidden email] | t: +1.281.598.8790 | t: +54.11.4389.0126
| |

This message and any attached documents contain information from
Caesar Systems LLC that may be confidential/trade secret and/or
privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not read,
copy, distribute or use this information. If you have received this
transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by
telephone or by reply e-mail and then delete this message.
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Re: Problem starting Seaside with GLASS 3.01

Dale Henrichs

The error:

|            SeasidePlatformSupport transactionMutex
|  *         ^1
| 1: [1031] undefined symbol

indicates that you haven't installed Seaside yet ... the seaside extent (despite it's name) doesn't have Seaside itself installed ... it is more of a seaside-ready extent.

I assume that you've got GemTools installed[1] and running so you should start somewhere in the neighborhood of this point[2]:

  - make backup
  - update GLASS

then install Seaside30[3].



----- Original Message -----
| From: "Sebastian Van Lacke" <[hidden email]>
| To: "GemStone Seaside beta discussion" <[hidden email]>
| Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 7:18:58 AM
| Subject: [GS/SS Beta] Problem starting Seaside with GLASS 3.01
| Hi all, I have installed GLASS 3.01 using the script, but I'm having
| problems starting seaside.
| I've executed runSeasideGems30 start FastCGI "9001 9002 9003", but
| doesn´t work, I get  "503 - Service Not Available" and "500 -
| Internal
| Server Error" from the web browser.
| If I run startSeaside_Hyper 50081
| I get an error
| topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> GemStone Smalltalk Compiler
| Errors:
|    | server site |
|    GsProcess usingNativeCode not
|      ifTrue: [
|        "Enable remote Breakpoing handling"
|        Breakpoint trappable: true.
|        GemToGemAnnouncement installStaticHandler.
|        System commitTransaction ifFalse: [ nil error: 'Could not
| commit for GemToGemSignaling' ].
|      ].
|    System transactionMode: #manualBegin.
|    Exception
|      installStaticException:
|        [:ex :cat :num :args |
|          "Run the abort in a lowPriority process, since we must
|          acquire the
|           transactionMutex."
|          [
|            SeasidePlatformSupport transactionMutex
|  *         ^1
|                                                          *******
|              critical: [
|                SeasidePlatformSupport doAbortTransaction ].
|            System enableSignaledAbortError.
|          ] forkAt: Processor lowestPriority.
|        ]
|      category: GemStoneError
|      number: 6009
|      subtype: nil.
|    System enableSignaledAbortError.
|    "This thread is needed to handle the SigAbort exception, when the
|    primary
|     thread is blocked on an accept. Assuming default 60 second
|     STN_GEM_ABORT_TIMEOUT, wake up at 30 second intervals."
|    [
|      [ true ] whileTrue: [ (Delay forSeconds: 30) wait ].
|    ] forkAt: Processor lowestPriority.
|    server := SwazooServer singleton.
|  *           ^2
|                                                        *******
|    server initialize.
|    site := (SeasideSite new)
|  *          ^3
|                                                         *******
|      name: 'Seaside';
|      initialize;
|      host: GsSocket getLocalHostName
|        ip: (GsSocket getHostAddressByName: GsSocket getLocalHostName)
|        port: 50081;
|      initializeResourceFromUriPattern: '/', 'seaside'.
|    server addSite: site.
|    GsFile gciLogServer: 'Hyper Server started on port ', 50081
|    printString.
|    SwazooServer startSite: 'Seaside'.
|    "does not return, unless there's an error"
| 1: [1031] undefined symbol
| 2: [1031] undefined symbol
| 3: [1031] undefined symbol
| 4: [1031] undefined symbol
| topaz > exec iferr 1 : where
| Stack is not active
| topaz 1> topaz 1> [268 sz:0 cls: 68097 Boolean] true
| Any help?
| Sebastian
| --
| sebastian van lacke | web developer |  caesar systems | see clearly.
| decide smarter.
| [hidden email] | t: +1.281.598.8790 | t:
| +54.11.4389.0126
| | |
| This message and any attached documents contain information from
| Caesar Systems LLC that may be confidential/trade secret and/or
| privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not read,
| copy, distribute or use this information. If you have received this
| transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by
| telephone or by reply e-mail and then delete this message.
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Re: Problem starting Seaside with GLASS 3.01

I get this same error in my maintenance_gem.log as well, and definitely have GemTools installed, and Seaside, because I've been running both successfully for months. I apparently must have skipped a (minor?) step of the installation process. What package is the SeasidePlatformSupport class a part of, pray tell?
