I'm using Pollock and I'm having a problem when I add a GroupBox to my UserInterface. For example, suppose that I want to add two RadioButtons and a GroupBox inside a Form, then my createInterface methods will look like:
| form groupBox simpleRadioButton collectionRadioButton |
form := Pollock.Form new id: #aspectsChooserForm.
form frame: (FractionalFrame fractionLeft: 0 right: 1 top: 0 bottom: 1).
form frame
leftOffset: 5;
topOffset: 5;
bottomOffset: -5;
rightOffset: -5.
self addComponent: form.
groupBox := Pollock.GroupBox new id: #aspectsChooserGroupBox.
frame: (FractionalFrame
fractionLeft: 0
right: 1
top: 0
bottom: 1);
label: (Pollock.Label
string: 'Select Aspects to Edit').
form addComponent: groupBox.
simpleRadioButton := Pollock.RadioButton new selectValue: #simple; model: self selectedEdition.
simpleRadioButton frame: (FractionalFrame fractionLeft:
0.1 top: 0.4 right: 0.5 bottom: 0.5).
simpleRadioButton frame bottomOffset: 20.
simpleRadioButton addComponent:
((Pollock.DisplayLabel string: 'Simple')
frame: AlignmentFrame centerLeft).
form addComponent: simpleRadioButton.
collectionRadioButton := Pollock.RadioButton new selectValue: #collection; model: self selectedEdition.
collectionRadioButton frame: (FractionalFrame fractionLeft:
0.6 top: 0.4 right: 0.9 bottom: 0.5).
collectionRadioButton frame bottomOffset: 20.
collectionRadioButton addComponent:
((Pollock.DisplayLabel string: 'Collection')
frame: AlignmentFrame centerLeft).
form addComponent: collectionRadioButton.
I open the view and this look good, but I can't click over the components inside the form, for example, a click over the radioButtons has not effect.
If I comment the GroupBox code (or the form code) in the createInterface method, all work fine. I create and attach to this mail a class with the example and with two methods (#createInterfaceWithGroupBox and #createInterfaceWithoutGroupBox). You can rename each one to #createInterface and reproduce that I said.
Someone can help me? any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
Guillermo Sapaya