However, this seems to have been fixed with patch level 1.
Keith Alcock wrote:
> In porting my partially completed application from Dolphin 3 to 4, I
> find that the running application triggers an assertion in
> PackageManager>>onSystemClassRemoved: when it programmatically removes a
> class. It looks like pkg is nil when the method below runs and the
> changed collection doesn't include nil, apparently. The removed class
> is uncommitted and was also loaded programmatically.
> Some methods further up the call stack have some #todo's left and this
> might be one. I'm adding a check for nil here without knowing if that's
> the real solution. Heads up.
> Keith Alcock
> !PackageManager methodsFor!
> onSystemClassRemoved: aClass
> "Private - React to aClass being removed from the Smalltalk system.
> Ensure that none of the packages held by the receiver refer to aClass
> or its methods now it has departed."
> self isProcessingEvents ifTrue: [ | changed pkg |
> pkg := packagedGlobals removeKey: aClass name ifAbsent: [].
> "We must inform all packages, not just the package owning the class,
> in case any other packages include loose methods of the class. In
> case
> they do we empty our loose method cache."
> self forgetLooseMethods.
> changed := self packages select: [:aPackage | aPackage onClassRemoved:
> aClass].
> self assert: [looseMethods isNil].
> "Modification here."
> pkg notNil ifTrue: [
> self assert: [
> changed includes: pkg.
> ].
> ].
> changed do: [:aPackage | aPackage ownedChanged].
> self resetPrerequisites].
> ! !