Problem with PharmIDE

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Problem with PharmIDE

Hey, all..

I am checking out PharmIDE.. This is BOSS.. but in testing, i lost connection to my remote.. and now, when i try to evaluate:

remotePharo := PrmRemoteIDE connectTo: (TCPAddress ip: #[138 197 11 201] port: 40423).

I get:

 Error: Peer should not change id when it was already identified

i also tried this:

PrmRemoteIDE disconnectAll .

and got the same thing..

any ideas?


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Re: Problem with PharmIDE

Denis Kudriashov

2017-07-06 4:45 GMT+02:00 sergio ruiz <[hidden email]>:
Hey, all..

I am checking out PharmIDE.. This is BOSS.. but in testing, i lost connection to my remote.. and now, when i try to evaluate:

remotePharo := PrmRemoteIDE connectTo: (TCPAddress ip: #[138 197 11 201] port: 40423).

I get:

 Error: Peer should not change id when it was already identified

This error can happen when your server image was restarted. When image starts "pharm" server first time it assigns peerId. Then client uses this peerId to identify new connections. Problem happens when image is started again with new server instance which assigns new peerId. If you will save your image with running server then peerId will be constant forever and this error should not happen.
This part needs improvement. At least PharmIDE disconnectAll should work. Disconnection notifies remote peer about disconnecting which can lead to errors like network or what you saw. I probably made some mistake on handling this errors. My idea was to show warning about problem with ability to ignore it by proceed action.

Now in such case you can manually reset default instance in method "PrmRemoteIDE class>>#default". Then following connection should work.

Thank's for feedback.
Best regards,

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Re: Problem with PharmIDE

Denis Kudriashov

2017-07-06 13:05 GMT+02:00 Denis Kudriashov <[hidden email]>:
If you will save your image with running server then peerId will be constant forever and this error should not happen.

But take care, IDE server has no security in communication protocol. So it is up to you to organize secure channel for debug purpose with external tools like VPN.
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Re: Problem with PharmIDE

In reply to this post by Denis Kudriashov
Taking a look at this now.. thank YOU for an awesome tool..

On July 6, 2017 at 7:06:39 AM, Denis Kudriashov ([hidden email]) wrote:

Thank's for feedback.
Best regards,

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Re: Problem with PharmIDE

In reply to this post by Denis Kudriashov
yes.. this is what i was trying to do.. the problem is, when VNC disconnects, it leaves the image in an error state, and i can no longer connect..


On July 6, 2017 at 7:09:11 AM, Denis Kudriashov ([hidden email]) wrote:

But take care, IDE server has no security in communication protocol. So it is up to you to organize secure channel for debug purpose with external tools like VPN.

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