Problem with callback blocks sharing context using closure image

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Problem with callback blocks sharing context using closure image

Hi all,

I'm experimenting different behavior between Seaside 2.8 and 3.0
regarding parameters passed in callback blocks. Attached there is code
to test in both platforms (just click in any of the first 8 links),
the problem is in the variable index in the #callback: of the
following code

        | index |
        index := 1.
        8 timesRepeat: [
                aRenderer tableRow: [
                        5 timesRepeat: [
                                aRenderer tableData: [
                                        aRenderer anchor
                                                callback: [ self callbackFor: index ];
                                                with: 'image link'.
                                        index := index + 1.
                                ]  ] ] ].

In Seaside 2.8 after clicking the link 3 for example, the
#callbackFor: method received 3 as parameter.
In Seaside 3.0 #callbackFor: receive 41.

I would like to preserve the parameter value configured in the
rendering phase, any suggestion how to do that in Seaside 3? (Using
PharoVM 4.0.2 12/4/2010 and Pharo1.1rc2 #11400)

Hernán Morales
Information Technology Manager,
Institute of Veterinary Genetics.
National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET).
La Plata (1900), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Telephone: +54 (0221) 421-1799.
Internal: 422
Fax: 425-7980 or 421-1799.

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Re: Problem with callback blocks sharing context using closure image

Levente Uzonyi-2
On Mon, 1 Nov 2010, Hernán Morales Durand wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm experimenting different behavior between Seaside 2.8 and 3.0
> regarding parameters passed in callback blocks. Attached there is code
> to test in both platforms (just click in any of the first 8 links),
> the problem is in the variable index in the #callback: of the
> following code
>>> renderBlabla
> | index |
> index := 1.
> 8 timesRepeat: [
> aRenderer tableRow: [
> 5 timesRepeat: [
> aRenderer tableData: [
> aRenderer anchor
> callback: [ self callbackFor: index ];
> with: 'image link'.
> index := index + 1.
> ]  ] ] ].
> In Seaside 2.8 after clicking the link 3 for example, the
> #callbackFor: method received 3 as parameter.
> In Seaside 3.0 #callbackFor: receive 41.
> I would like to preserve the parameter value configured in the
> rendering phase, any suggestion how to do that in Seaside 3? (Using
> PharoVM 4.0.2 12/4/2010 and Pharo1.1rc2 #11400)
Use an image with support for closures. Or if that's not possible, then
send #fixTemps to the callback block.


> Cheers,
> --
> Hernán Morales
> Information Technology Manager,
> Institute of Veterinary Genetics.
> National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET).
> La Plata (1900), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
> Telephone: +54 (0221) 421-1799.
> Internal: 422
> Fax: 425-7980 or 421-1799.
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Re: Problem with callback blocks sharing context using closure image

Hi Levente,

I'm actually using an image with closure support, at least the orange
test answers 'orange'

| blockArray dataArray |
blockArray := Array new: 5.
dataArray := #( 'Apple' 'Orange' 'Grape' 'Lemon' 'Kiwi').
1 to: blockArray size do: [ :index |
                at: index
                put: [ dataArray at: index ] ].
^(blockArray at: 2) value


2010/11/1 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:

> On Mon, 1 Nov 2010, Hernán Morales Durand wrote:
>> I would like to preserve the parameter value configured in the
>> rendering phase, any suggestion how to do that in Seaside 3? (Using
>> PharoVM 4.0.2 12/4/2010 and Pharo1.1rc2 #11400)
> Use an image with support for closures. Or if that's not possible, then send
> #fixTemps to the callback block.
> Levente
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Hernán Morales
>> Information Technology Manager,
>> Institute of Veterinary Genetics.
>> National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET).
>> La Plata (1900), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
>> Telephone: +54 (0221) 421-1799.
>> Internal: 422
>> Fax: 425-7980 or 421-1799.
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Re: Problem with callback blocks sharing context using closure image

Bob Arning
In reply to this post by Levente Uzonyi-2
Actually, that would not work as written in a closure image. To make it work in closure image, you could write something like:

	aRenderer anchor
		callback: (makeCallBackWith: index );
And then write a method
makeCallBackWith: n
	^[self callbackFor: n]

In a non-closure image, it would work as written since fixCallbackTemps would have been sent automatically.


On 10/31/10 9:52 PM, Levente Uzonyi wrote:
On Mon, 1 Nov 2010, Hernán Morales Durand wrote:

Hi all,

I'm experimenting different behavior between Seaside 2.8 and 3.0
regarding parameters passed in callback blocks. Attached there is code
to test in both platforms (just click in any of the first 8 links),
the problem is in the variable index in the #callback: of the
following code

    | index |
    index := 1.
    8 timesRepeat: [
        aRenderer tableRow: [
            5 timesRepeat: [
                aRenderer tableData: [
                    aRenderer anchor
                        callback: [ self callbackFor: index ];
                        with: 'image link'.
                    index := index + 1.
                ]  ] ] ].

In Seaside 2.8 after clicking the link 3 for example, the
#callbackFor: method received 3 as parameter.
In Seaside 3.0 #callbackFor: receive 41.

I would like to preserve the parameter value configured in the
rendering phase, any suggestion how to do that in Seaside 3? (Using
PharoVM 4.0.2 12/4/2010 and Pharo1.1rc2 #11400)

Use an image with support for closures. Or if that's not possible, then send #fixTemps to the callback block.



Hernán Morales
Information Technology Manager,
Institute of Veterinary Genetics.
National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET).
La Plata (1900), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Telephone: +54 (0221) 421-1799.
Internal: 422
Fax: 425-7980 or 421-1799.

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Re: Problem with callback blocks sharing context using closure image

Levente Uzonyi-2
In reply to this post by hernanmd
On Mon, 1 Nov 2010, Hernán Morales Durand wrote:

> Hi Levente,
> I'm actually using an image with closure support, at least the orange
> test answers 'orange'
> | blockArray dataArray |
> blockArray := Array new: 5.
> dataArray := #( 'Apple' 'Orange' 'Grape' 'Lemon' 'Kiwi').
> 1 to: blockArray size do: [ :index |
> blockArray
> at: index
> put: [ dataArray at: index ] ].
> ^(blockArray at: 2) value
Are there lingering BlockContexts in the image? If yes, then you should
recompile their methods. Something like this should do it:

BlockContext allInstancesDo: [ :each |
  | method |
  method := each method.
  method methodClass recompile: method selector ].


> Cheers,
> 2010/11/1 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:
>> On Mon, 1 Nov 2010, Hernán Morales Durand wrote:
>>> I would like to preserve the parameter value configured in the
>>> rendering phase, any suggestion how to do that in Seaside 3? (Using
>>> PharoVM 4.0.2 12/4/2010 and Pharo1.1rc2 #11400)
>> Use an image with support for closures. Or if that's not possible, then send
>> #fixTemps to the callback block.
>> Levente
>>> Cheers,
>>> --
>>> Hernán Morales
>>> Information Technology Manager,
>>> Institute of Veterinary Genetics.
>>> National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET).
>>> La Plata (1900), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
>>> Telephone: +54 (0221) 421-1799.
>>> Internal: 422
>>> Fax: 425-7980 or 421-1799.
>> _______________________________________________
>> seaside mailing list
>> [hidden email]
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Re: Problem with callback blocks sharing context using closure image

Bob Arning
In reply to this post by Bob Arning

On 10/31/10 10:16 PM, Bob Arning wrote:
> callback: (makeCallBackWith: index );

Well, obviously that would be

                callback: (self makeCallBackWith: index );

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Re: Problem with callback blocks sharing context using closure image

Levente Uzonyi-2
In reply to this post by Bob Arning
On Sun, 31 Oct 2010, Bob Arning wrote:

> Actually, that would not work as written in a closure image. To make it work
> in closure image, you could write something like:
> ...
> aRenderer anchor
> callback: (makeCallBackWith: index );
> ...
> And then write a method
> makeCallBackWith: n
> ^[self callbackFor: n]
> In a non-closure image, it would work as written since fixCallbackTemps would
> have been sent automatically.
Argh. That's right, maybe it's time for me to get some sleep. :)


> Cheers,
> Bob
> On 10/31/10 9:52 PM, Levente Uzonyi wrote:
>> On Mon, 1 Nov 2010, Hernán Morales Durand wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm experimenting different behavior between Seaside 2.8 and 3.0
>>> regarding parameters passed in callback blocks. Attached there is code
>>> to test in both platforms (just click in any of the first 8 links),
>>> the problem is in the variable index in the #callback: of the
>>> following code
>>>>> renderBlabla
>>>     | index |
>>>     index := 1.
>>>     8 timesRepeat: [
>>>         aRenderer tableRow: [
>>>             5 timesRepeat: [
>>>                 aRenderer tableData: [
>>>                     aRenderer anchor
>>>                         callback: [ self callbackFor: index ];
>>>                         with: 'image link'.
>>>                     index := index + 1.
>>>                 ]  ] ] ].
>>> In Seaside 2.8 after clicking the link 3 for example, the
>>> #callbackFor: method received 3 as parameter.
>>> In Seaside 3.0 #callbackFor: receive 41.
>>> I would like to preserve the parameter value configured in the
>>> rendering phase, any suggestion how to do that in Seaside 3? (Using
>>> PharoVM 4.0.2 12/4/2010 and Pharo1.1rc2 #11400)
>> Use an image with support for closures. Or if that's not possible, then
>> send #fixTemps to the callback block.
>> Levente
>>> Cheers,
>>> --
>>> Hernán Morales
>>> Information Technology Manager,
>>> Institute of Veterinary Genetics.
>>> National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET).
>>> La Plata (1900), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
>>> Telephone: +54 (0221) 421-1799.
>>> Internal: 422
>>> Fax: 425-7980 or 421-1799.
>> _______________________________________________
>> seaside mailing list
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Re: Problem with callback blocks sharing context using closure image

Levente Uzonyi-2
In reply to this post by hernanmd
On Mon, 1 Nov 2010, Hernán Morales Durand wrote:

> Hi Levente,
> I'm actually using an image with closure support, at least the orange
> test answers 'orange'
> | blockArray dataArray |
> blockArray := Array new: 5.
> dataArray := #( 'Apple' 'Orange' 'Grape' 'Lemon' 'Kiwi').
> 1 to: blockArray size do: [ :index |
> blockArray
> at: index
> put: [ dataArray at: index ] ].
> ^(blockArray at: 2) value
This works because the value of index never changes here. In your example
the value of index changes.


> Cheers,
> 2010/11/1 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:
>> On Mon, 1 Nov 2010, Hernán Morales Durand wrote:
>>> I would like to preserve the parameter value configured in the
>>> rendering phase, any suggestion how to do that in Seaside 3? (Using
>>> PharoVM 4.0.2 12/4/2010 and Pharo1.1rc2 #11400)
>> Use an image with support for closures. Or if that's not possible, then send
>> #fixTemps to the callback block.
>> Levente
>>> Cheers,
>>> --
>>> Hernán Morales
>>> Information Technology Manager,
>>> Institute of Veterinary Genetics.
>>> National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET).
>>> La Plata (1900), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
>>> Telephone: +54 (0221) 421-1799.
>>> Internal: 422
>>> Fax: 425-7980 or 421-1799.
>> _______________________________________________
>> seaside mailing list
>> [hidden email]
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Re: Problem with callback blocks sharing context using closure image

In reply to this post by Levente Uzonyi-2
2010/11/1 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:
> On Sun, 31 Oct 2010, Bob Arning wrote:
>> In a non-closure image, it would work as written since fixCallbackTemps
>> would have been sent automatically.
> Argh. That's right, maybe it's time for me to get some sleep. :)

For me too, thanks Bob and Levente.


> Levente
>> Cheers,
>> Bob
>> On 10/31/10 9:52 PM, Levente Uzonyi wrote:
>>> On Mon, 1 Nov 2010, Hernán Morales Durand wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm experimenting different behavior between Seaside 2.8 and 3.0
>>>> regarding parameters passed in callback blocks. Attached there is code
>>>> to test in both platforms (just click in any of the first 8 links),
>>>> the problem is in the variable index in the #callback: of the
>>>> following code
>>>>>> renderBlabla
>>>>    | index |
>>>>    index := 1.
>>>>    8 timesRepeat: [
>>>>        aRenderer tableRow: [
>>>>            5 timesRepeat: [
>>>>                aRenderer tableData: [
>>>>                    aRenderer anchor
>>>>                        callback: [ self callbackFor: index ];
>>>>                        with: 'image link'.
>>>>                    index := index + 1.
>>>>                ]  ] ] ].
>>>> In Seaside 2.8 after clicking the link 3 for example, the
>>>> #callbackFor: method received 3 as parameter.
>>>> In Seaside 3.0 #callbackFor: receive 41.
>>>> I would like to preserve the parameter value configured in the
>>>> rendering phase, any suggestion how to do that in Seaside 3? (Using
>>>> PharoVM 4.0.2 12/4/2010 and Pharo1.1rc2 #11400)
>>> Use an image with support for closures. Or if that's not possible, then
>>> send #fixTemps to the callback block.
>>> Levente
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> --
>>>> Hernán Morales
>>>> Information Technology Manager,
>>>> Institute of Veterinary Genetics.
>>>> National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET).
>>>> La Plata (1900), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
>>>> Telephone: +54 (0221) 421-1799.
>>>> Internal: 422
>>>> Fax: 425-7980 or 421-1799.
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> seaside mailing list
>>> [hidden email]
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> [hidden email]

Hernán Morales
Information Technology Manager,
Institute of Veterinary Genetics.
National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET).
La Plata (1900), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Telephone: +54 (0221) 421-1799.
Internal: 422
Fax: 425-7980 or 421-1799.
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Re: Problem with callback blocks sharing context using closure image

Johan Brichau-2
In reply to this post by hernanmd
As bob & levente point out, it's because all callback blocks share the same scope with the same variable 'index'. But I think the following might be a quicker fix:

        | index |
index := 1.
8 timesRepeat: [
aRenderer tableRow: [
5 timesRepeat: [
aRenderer tableData: [
                                         |current | 
                                          current := index.
aRenderer anchor
callback: [ self callbackFor: current ];
with: 'image link'.
index := index + 1.
]  ] ] ].

On 01 Nov 2010, at 02:41, Hernán Morales Durand <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi all,

I'm experimenting different behavior between Seaside 2.8 and 3.0
regarding parameters passed in callback blocks. Attached there is code
to test in both platforms (just click in any of the first 8 links),
the problem is in the variable index in the #callback: of the
following code

| index |
index := 1.
8 timesRepeat: [
aRenderer tableRow: [
5 timesRepeat: [
aRenderer tableData: [
aRenderer anchor
callback: [ self callbackFor: index ];
with: 'image link'.
index := index + 1.
]  ] ] ].

In Seaside 2.8 after clicking the link 3 for example, the
#callbackFor: method received 3 as parameter.
In Seaside 3.0 #callbackFor: receive 41.

I would like to preserve the parameter value configured in the
rendering phase, any suggestion how to do that in Seaside 3? (Using
PharoVM 4.0.2 12/4/2010 and Pharo1.1rc2 #11400)

Hernán Morales
Information Technology Manager,
Institute of Veterinary Genetics.
National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET).
La Plata (1900), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Telephone: +54 (0221) 421-1799.
Internal: 422
Fax: 425-7980 or 421-1799.
<TestCallbackIndex-Core (Seaside 3).st>
<TestCallbackIndex-Core (Seaside 28).st>
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