Problems Starting Scribo - Doc on

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Problems Starting Scribo - Doc on

Dear List,

I was trying AIDA on Pharo and had no luck, so I tried it on Squeak. No luck as well, so I tried the ready made image.

While AIDA seemed to work fine there, I wanted to see Scribo.

The doc on tells to just call localhost:.../wiki.html.

This did not work.

So I went on to install Scribo.  The doc refers to , but there is a dead link (there are some more btw.)

I found a version 8 on smalltalkhub, though,  and installed it.

Next thing was to hook it to the server.  I found no hint in the doc, and after drilling the image to find out how it should work for an hour or so, I gave up.

I find the ready made image less helpful, as I need to control the image of the server and  the server itsself in regard of hooked apps, port and so on.

Can you give me some hints on starting AIDAWeb with Scribo and controlling the Swazoo Server, or link me to docs?

Kind regards,


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