Problems using Armadillo with deployed app

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Problems using Armadillo with deployed app

Chris Hayes-4
I'm in the process of evaluating the Armadillo software protection system
(  I want to protect an
executable created using Dolphin 5 Lagoon, deployed as a single EXE (The
executable happens to be the CoolPool game).

The Armadillo system makes some mods/patches to the exe file as part of the
protection process and it appears that Dolphin doesn't like whatever it is
that's being done to the exe.  When I attempt to start coolpool.exe, I get
an error dialog, with "Dolphin Smalltalk" on the title bar, saying that

"Image file d:\downloads\coolpool\coolpool.exe is of unrecognized type".

I'll be contacting the maker of Armadillo about this as well but any ideas
as to what the problem might be?  Also, is there a protection system out
there known to be compatible with Dolphin "executables"?


Chris Hayes
Creative Computing

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Re: Problems using Armadillo with deployed app

Bill Schwab

> The Armadillo system makes some mods/patches to the exe file as part of
> protection process and it appears that Dolphin doesn't like whatever it is
> that's being done to the exe.  When I attempt to start coolpool.exe, I get
> an error dialog, with "Dolphin Smalltalk" on the title bar, saying that
> "Image file d:\downloads\coolpool\coolpool.exe is of unrecognized type".
> I'll be contacting the maker of Armadillo about this as well but any ideas
> as to what the problem might be?

AFAIK, deployment still works pretty much like it always did: strip out
unwanted stuff, swap the session manager, open a stream output the stub, and
then save the image.  That's obviously oversimplified, and does not account
for ToGo deployment.  The point is that you have some executable stuff
followed by what amounts to the image itself.  It sounds like the patches
are modifying the image, or maybe something earlier that simply identifies
the image type/version (they are "patching" stuff that is not intended to be

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Problems using Armadillo with deployed app

Christopher J. Demers
In reply to this post by Chris Hayes-4
"Chris Hayes" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:boA7a.5486$[hidden email]...
> as to what the problem might be?  Also, is there a protection system out
> there known to be compatible with Dolphin "executables"?

Since the Dolphin image is tacked on to a stub EXE I would not expect exe
wrappers to work well.  Perhaps you could use a dll or activeX library.

There are some software protection classes included in Dolphin 5. See the
"Protected Scribble" package for a complete example.  However I don't think
those classes will lock the program to a specific computer, or handle an
expiration date.  I imagine an expiration date could be encrypted and stored
in the registry, and/or other locations for extra protection.  It appears
that the DiskVolumeInformation class can return a hard drive serial number.
That could be used to lock the program to a specific drive.  I suppose one
could also use a NIC MAC ID if available.  Also I think the Dolphin serial
number entry form  displays a "machine code".  I am not sure how this number
is generated, and it does not seem to be used by the full version, perhaps
OA uses this in their time limited demos.  I think there are all the parts
needed to implement a simple protection system in Dolphin.  Anything can be
defeated on some level though.


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Re: Problems using Armadillo with deployed app

Chris Hayes-4
Bill and Chris,

Thanks for the information and suggestions.  I received a response back from
the Armadillo support board suggesting I try an Armadillo option to have
data placed at the end of the EXE.  Works like a charm (although for those
that come across this post as the result of a google search a year from now,
the option is only available on the pro version of the product.  Also, make
sure you use the "protect, fake data location and headers" option on the
"Data after programs" tab).

