Problems with 5.1 migration

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Problems with 5.1 migration

G Krupa-2
Has anyone else had problems with 5.1 and 5.0 existing on the same machine?
For one, I can't open the old 5.0 images with 5.1 (it complains that the VM
dll isn't registered, but gives the error even after I registered it with

I had uninstalled 5.0 (and 4.x because I never used it any more), and things
worked fine.  But I needed access to a 5.0 image, so I re-installed it, and
now I can't click on a 5.1 .IMG file and have it load.  Do I need to
reinstall 5.1, or just update the registry for the IMG file association?

Will this then bring back my problem not being able to access the 5.0 image?

For now, I have to drag the 5.1 image onto the 5.1 dolphin.exe.

Anyone experience similar problems?  Suggestions, please!



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Re: Problems with 5.1 migration

Chris Uppal-3
G Krupa wrote:
> Has anyone else had problems with 5.1 and 5.0 existing on the same
> machine? For one, I can't open the old 5.0 images with 5.1 (it
> complains that the VM dll isn't registered, but gives the error even
> after I registered it with regsvr32).

I'm running 5.0 and 5.1 with no apparent problems.

I think the difference between our settups may be that I never normally use the
Window's association of .IMG with Dolphin, but always start images via
shortcuts that specify both the Dolphin.exe and the image name.

    -- chris

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Re: Problems with 5.1 migration

In reply to this post by G Krupa-2
     I initially met the same problem as you described that I cann't open
the old 5.0 image files after D5.0 was replaced by D5.1. But after I copied
the third party dll files in original path at C:\Program Files\Object
Arts\Dolphin Smalltalk 5.0" to "C:\Program Files\Object Arts\Dolphin
Smalltalk 5.1" ( such as sswtools.dll ),  then it worked.
     Maybe the missing dll files in the registered default path that was
changed after migration to D5.1 cause the problem, I guessed but I'm not
quite sure, You may try it.


"G Krupa"  wrote:
> Has anyone else had problems with 5.1 and 5.0 existing on the same
> For one, I can't open the old 5.0 images with 5.1 (it complains that the
> dll isn't registered, but gives the error even after I registered it with
> regsvr32).
> I had uninstalled 5.0 (and 4.x because I never used it any more), and
> worked fine.  But I needed access to a 5.0 image, so I re-installed it,
> now I can't click on a 5.1 .IMG file and have it load.  Do I need to
> reinstall 5.1, or just update the registry for the IMG file association?
> Will this then bring back my problem not being able to access the 5.0

> For now, I have to drag the 5.1 image onto the 5.1 dolphin.exe.
> Anyone experience similar problems?  Suggestions, please!
> Cheers,
> --GK

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Re: Problems with 5.1 migration

Blair McGlashan-2
In reply to this post by G Krupa-2
"G Krupa" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:3ef39c55$[hidden email]...
> Has anyone else had problems with 5.1 and 5.0 existing on the same
> For one, I can't open the old 5.0 images with 5.1 (it complains that the
> dll isn't registered, but gives the error even after I registered it with
> regsvr32).
> I had uninstalled 5.0 (and 4.x because I never used it any more), and
> worked fine.  But I needed access to a 5.0 image, so I re-installed it,
> now I can't click on a 5.1 .IMG file and have it load.  Do I need to
> reinstall 5.1, or just update the registry for the IMG file association?
> Will this then bring back my problem not being able to access the 5.0

I suspect your problem has been created by installing D5.0 after D5.1. They
will coexist just fine, however you must install D5.1 after D5.0.

Specifically the issue is that the image file association must be to the
latest development system launcher, Dolphin.exe. The older launcher is not
aware of D5.1 images, and so does not know which VM to instantiate to load
them. The newest lanucher is aware of all old image versions that it is able
to load, going back to 3.06.

You could try editing the registry to correct this issue, but be aware that
the Microsoft Installer is very tenacious and may undo what you have done.
For example if you attempt to re-register (with regsvr32) an MSI registered
DLL it appears to have no effect whatsoever unless you first unregister it.
Also I have found that attempting to change the path to the Dolphin.exe
associated with '.img' through the Windows explorer has no effect if the exe
filename is the same, at least this seems to be the case on Windows XP.
Manually editing 'Dolphin.Image/shell/Open/command' might work though.

