Ana Laura <
[hidden email]> wrote in message
[hidden email]...
> I'm having a little problems with floats.
> When I evaluate the following:
> Number fromString: '3.14'
> the result is an instance of Float: 3.14.0
I can not reproduce this in my D5 image. This is just a guess, but is it
possible that you have your system use a comma (,) rather than a period (.)
for the decimal character? It looks like Dolphin is taking that into
account, however perhaps you changed your locale while Dolphin was running?
It looks like it caches the decimal value, so it might be able to be out of
sync with the system if you change locales. The interesting method are
Float<<printOn:significantFigures: and CRTLibrary<<decimalSeparator. I
don't really work with different locales, so perhaps someone else knows if
this is a bug or a feature.
Not to go too far off topic, but does anyone know why different cultures use
different decimal separator characters? Is there a historical basis for