Problems with NeoCSV Package

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Problems with NeoCSV Package

W. L. Cleveland

I need to manually tag a large number of sentences choosing between a small, fixed number of short strings as tags for each sentence. I would like to do this with a Pharo GUI that displays sentences one at a time and permit choice of tags using radio buttons. The results need to be saved as a CSV file on the hard drive for further manipulations with python.

As a first step, I used Excel to create a test CSV file with two sentences that was saved on the disk drive in the Pharo working directory.

I have subsequently tried to import the sentences into Pharo 6.1 32 bit stable. This was done as follows.

|workingDir reader result|

workingDir := FileSystem disk workingDirectory.

myFileName := 'MoonCSV.csv'.

stream := workingDir/myFileName readStreamDo: [ :stream | stream contents].


reader := (NeoCSVReader new) separator: Character cr.        The separator was changed from a comma to a cr because the inspector showed a cr, not a comma separating the two imported sentences.

result := (reader on: stream).

result upToEnd.

 This failed with the following error:

Instance of ByteString doesn’t understand #atEnd.

I don’t see how to proceed further. Also I am not clear on the best way to export the sentence and tags to the disk drive.. 

Any help would be appreciated.

Lou Cleveland
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Re: Problems with NeoCSV Package

Peter Uhnak

> Instance of ByteString doesn’t understand #atEnd.

This is a very typical error when you have accidentally passed a String instead of a Stream.

... which you did here:
> stream := workingDir/myFileName readStreamDo: [ :stream | stream contents].

You can either operate directly on the file stream, e.g.

file := 'D:\tmp\rules.csv' asFileReference.

result := file readStreamDo: [ :stream | |reader|
reader := NeoCSVReader new.
reader on: stream.
reader upToEnd.

Or if you already have a string, then ask it for its readStream

file := 'D:\tmp\rules.csv' asFileReference.

contents := file contents.
reader := NeoCSVReader new.
reader on: contents readStream.
reader upToEnd.

On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 11:27 PM William L. Cleveland <[hidden email]> wrote:

I need to manually tag a large number of sentences choosing between a small, fixed number of short strings as tags for each sentence. I would like to do this with a Pharo GUI that displays sentences one at a time and permit choice of tags using radio buttons. The results need to be saved as a CSV file on the hard drive for further manipulations with python.

As a first step, I used Excel to create a test CSV file with two sentences that was saved on the disk drive in the Pharo working directory.

I have subsequently tried to import the sentences into Pharo 6.1 32 bit stable. This was done as follows.

|workingDir reader result|

workingDir := FileSystem disk workingDirectory.

myFileName := 'MoonCSV.csv'.

stream := workingDir/myFileName readStreamDo: [ :stream | stream contents].


reader := (NeoCSVReader new) separator: Character cr.        The separator was changed from a comma to a cr because the inspector showed a cr, not a comma separating the two imported sentences.

result := (reader on: stream).

result upToEnd.

 This failed with the following error:

Instance of ByteString doesn’t understand #atEnd.

I don’t see how to proceed further. Also I am not clear on the best way to export the sentence and tags to the disk drive.. 

Any help would be appreciated.

Lou Cleveland