Hi guys,
I'm going to crosspost to the seaside and pharo lists, so please forgive me First: I'm stuck in installing Postmark, I think is something wrong with seaside, because on a Pharo 2.0 clean image everything is fine So the scenario is: On Pharo 2.0 and clean image, cmd-p on: Gofer new url: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/PharoExtras/Postmark/main' ; package: 'ConfigurationOfPostMark'; load. (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPostMark) project stableVersion load. returns: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : explicit load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfPostMark] load : ConfigurationOfGrease-JohanBrichau.236 explicit load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfPostMark] load : ConfigurationOfJSON-PaulDeBruicker.3 linear load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfPostMark] linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease] load : Grease-Core-pmm.72 load : Grease-Pharo20-Core-pmm.1 linear load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfJSON] load : JSON-ul.35 load : PostMark-Core-PaulDeBruicker.15) On Pharo 2.0 and clean image, cmd-p on: Gofer new url: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/PharoExtras/Postmark/main' ; package: 'ConfigurationOfPostMark'; load. (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPostMark) project stableVersion load. gives me: - a DNU GRPackage(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #includesSelector:ofClassName: - then an alert: "You are about to load new versions of the following packages that have unsaved changes in the images: Zinc-FileSystem" I press merge - then another alert: "You are about to load new versions of the following packages that have unsaved changes in the images: Zinc-HTTP" I press merge so finally the result of cmd-p is: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : explicit load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfPostMark] load : ConfigurationOfGrease-JohanBrichau.236 explicit load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfPostMark] load : ConfigurationOfJSON-PaulDeBruicker.3 explicit load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfPostMark] load : ConfigurationOfSeaside3-JohanBrichau.71 linear load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfPostMark] explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease] linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease] load : Grease-Core-pmm.72 load : Grease-Pharo20-Core-pmm.1 load : Grease-Tests-Core-DamienCassou.81 explicit load : 3.0.9 [ConfigurationOfSeaside3] explicit load : 3.0.9 [ConfigurationOfSeaside3] explicit load : 3.0.9 [ConfigurationOfSeaside3] load : ConfigurationOfSPort2-JohanBrichau.12 explicit load : 3.0.9 [ConfigurationOfSeaside3] explicit load : 3.0.9 [ConfigurationOfSeaside3] explicit load : 3.0.9 [ConfigurationOfSeaside3] load : ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents-SvenVanCaekenberghe.59 linear load : 3.0.9 [ConfigurationOfSeaside3] linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease] linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease] linear load : 2.4.6 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents] load : Zinc-Character-Encoding-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.28 load : Zinc-Character-Encoding-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.15 load : Zinc-Resource-Meta-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.28 load : Zinc-Resource-Meta-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.16 load : Zinc-FileSystem-SvenVanCaekenberghe.10 load : Zinc-HTTP-SvenVanCaekenberghe.383 load : Zinc-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.199 load : Seaside-Core-pmm.771 postload : Seaside-Core >> seaside304DoIts load : Javascript-Core-pmm.94 load : Seaside-Tests-Core-pmm.258 load : Seaside-Tests-Canvas-pmm.59 load : Javascript-Tests-Core-pmm.68 linear load : 2.33 [ConfigurationOfSPort2] load : FileSystem-Legacy-JohanBrichau.2 linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease] linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease] linear load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfJSON] load : JSON-ul.35 load : PostMark-Core-PaulDeBruicker.15) Wow, so many more packages than the clean image! Second: That's not the end of the story, both in Pharo 2 clean image then the image with Seaside, if I evaulate: email := PMEmail new from: 'me@me.com'; to: 'you@you.com'; subject: 'whatever'; textBody: 'test'; yourself. interface := PMInterface new. interface apiKey: 'my key'. interface send: email. I discover 1) textBody is no more a valid selector (so PMInterface comment is obsolete), I got rid of it and I tried again, but 2) I get an alert: NameLookupFailure: cannot resolve 'api.postmark.com' Gosh! Hints? TIA Dave |
I solved a couple of issues: 1) I didn't see PMEmail is a JsonObject. Now I understand why selector textBody: is not known by the system but it's valid. 2) The "NameLookupFailure: cannot resolve 'api.postmark.com'" is because PMInterface class>> defaultApiUrl ^ 'http://api.postmark.com/' instead of: PMInterface class>> defaultApiUrl ^ 'http://api.postmarkapp.com/' ** Can anyone who has access to the project change it? ** With that change it works Dave |
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