Problems with Postmark in Pharo 2.0 with and without Seaside

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Problems with Postmark in Pharo 2.0 with and without Seaside

Hi guys,

I'm going to crosspost to the seaside and pharo lists, so please forgive me

I'm stuck in installing Postmark, I think is something wrong with seaside, because on a Pharo 2.0 clean image everything is fine

So the scenario is:

On Pharo 2.0 and clean image, cmd-p on:
Gofer new
        url: '' ;
        package: 'ConfigurationOfPostMark';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPostMark) project stableVersion load.

a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load :
        explicit load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfPostMark]
                load : ConfigurationOfGrease-JohanBrichau.236
        explicit load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfPostMark]
                load : ConfigurationOfJSON-PaulDeBruicker.3
        linear load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfPostMark]
                linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
                        load : Grease-Core-pmm.72
                        load : Grease-Pharo20-Core-pmm.1
                linear load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfJSON]
                        load : JSON-ul.35
                load : PostMark-Core-PaulDeBruicker.15)

On Pharo 2.0 and clean image, cmd-p on:
Gofer new
        url: '' ;
        package: 'ConfigurationOfPostMark';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPostMark) project stableVersion load.

gives me:
- a DNU GRPackage(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #includesSelector:ofClassName:
- then an alert: "You are about to load new versions of the following packages that have unsaved changes in the images: Zinc-FileSystem"
I press merge
- then another alert: "You are about to load new versions of the following packages that have unsaved changes in the images: Zinc-HTTP"
I press merge

so finally the result of cmd-p is:

a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load :
        explicit load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfPostMark]
                load : ConfigurationOfGrease-JohanBrichau.236
        explicit load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfPostMark]
                load : ConfigurationOfJSON-PaulDeBruicker.3
        explicit load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfPostMark]
                load : ConfigurationOfSeaside3-JohanBrichau.71
        linear load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfPostMark]
                explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
                linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
                        load : Grease-Core-pmm.72
                        load : Grease-Pharo20-Core-pmm.1
                        load : Grease-Tests-Core-DamienCassou.81
                explicit load : 3.0.9 [ConfigurationOfSeaside3]
                explicit load : 3.0.9 [ConfigurationOfSeaside3]
                explicit load : 3.0.9 [ConfigurationOfSeaside3]
                        load : ConfigurationOfSPort2-JohanBrichau.12
                explicit load : 3.0.9 [ConfigurationOfSeaside3]
                explicit load : 3.0.9 [ConfigurationOfSeaside3]
                explicit load : 3.0.9 [ConfigurationOfSeaside3]
                        load : ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents-SvenVanCaekenberghe.59
                linear load : 3.0.9 [ConfigurationOfSeaside3]
                        linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
                        linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
                        linear load : 2.4.6 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents]
                                load : Zinc-Character-Encoding-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.28
                                load : Zinc-Character-Encoding-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.15
                                load : Zinc-Resource-Meta-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.28
                                load : Zinc-Resource-Meta-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.16
                                load : Zinc-FileSystem-SvenVanCaekenberghe.10
                                load : Zinc-HTTP-SvenVanCaekenberghe.383
                                load : Zinc-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.199
                        load : Seaside-Core-pmm.771
                        postload : Seaside-Core >> seaside304DoIts
                        load : Javascript-Core-pmm.94
                        load : Seaside-Tests-Core-pmm.258
                        load : Seaside-Tests-Canvas-pmm.59
                        load : Javascript-Tests-Core-pmm.68
                        linear load : 2.33 [ConfigurationOfSPort2]
                                load : FileSystem-Legacy-JohanBrichau.2
                        linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
                        linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
                linear load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfJSON]
                        load : JSON-ul.35
                load : PostMark-Core-PaulDeBruicker.15)

Wow, so many more packages than the clean image!

That's not the end of the story, both in Pharo 2 clean image then the image with Seaside, if I evaulate:

email := PMEmail new
  from: '';
  to: '';
  subject: 'whatever';
  textBody: 'test';

interface := PMInterface new.
interface apiKey: 'my key'.
interface send: email.

I discover
1) textBody is no more a valid selector (so PMInterface comment is obsolete), I got rid of it and I tried again, but 2) I get an alert:
NameLookupFailure: cannot resolve ''

Gosh! Hints?
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Re: Problems with Postmark in Pharo 2.0 with and without Seaside

 I solved a couple of issues:
1) I didn't see PMEmail is a JsonObject. Now I understand why selector textBody: is not known by the system but it's valid.
2) The "NameLookupFailure: cannot resolve ''" is because  
PMInterface class>>
        ^ ''
instead of:

PMInterface class>>
        ^ ''
** Can anyone who has access to the project change it? **

With that change it works