Problems with calls to external library and "ToGo" exe

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Problems with calls to external library and "ToGo" exe

FU Berlin
Dear all,
I am using the msflxgrd.ocx inside one of my appl. Since Version 5.0 I am
receiving some "Facility_dispatch" errors inside the "ToGo"-exe file.
According to Blair's response at June 6 I understood the advantage of
building external structures using the ActiveX Component Wizard. It seems
that the View will be created but any put-calls on it were refused due to
#licenseKey problems. In version 4 it was possible to use this kind of an
AXControlSite. Then, I built up a Windows Installer file ( msi 1.1 )
including the Dolphin libraries as ususal ( unfortunately, there is no link
to a msm-file on the download page ), but the msi-file refuses to run.
Do you ave an idea to the external library problem ?