Hi all
Last week I did these tasks:
- Add preview to select variables when running the generate accessors command (Fix issue #5270).
- Separate the link between views and refactorings (setUp and pushDown method refactoring).
- I started the modification to make refactorings only in some packages, add a searcher for classes and methods in packages (these have reference to the package internally), I still have to finish implementing this part so that it is updated correctly when there are changes, deletions and additions. Fix issues #8513, #6366.
Before refactoring:
RBTransformationRuleTestData >> rewriteUsing: searchReplacer rewriteRule := searchReplacer. self resetResult.
After refactoring:
RBTransformationRuleTestData >> rewriteUsing: searchReplacer ^ self class rewriteUsing: searchReplace.
RBTransformationRuleTestData class >> rewriteUsing: searchReplacer
| aRBTransformationRuleTestData | |
aRBTransformationRuleTestData := self new. |
aRBTransformationRuleTestData rewriteRule: searchReplacer. |
aRBTransformationRuleTestData resetResult'). -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Tasks for this week:
- Improve extract setUp refactoring. - Finish to rename methods in specific packages (Fix issues #8513, #6366.)
- Improve messages when exists a Warnings or Expections in refactorings. - Fix move to component refactoring issue ( #8499) - Fix extract method issue (#5855)
- Check if it is better to change the behavior of the "Remove method" command, using a refactoring instead of a strategy
Cheers, Evelyn