ProgressDisplay package updated to improve portability to Pharo

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ProgressDisplay package updated to improve portability to Pharo

Ralph Boland
I have released an update to ProgressDisplay package to SqueakSource.
Changes are to improve portability to Pharo and should not affect
Squeak 4.1 users.
The changes fix a number of problems in Pharo but a few remain.  The remaining
problems affect examples only, not the ProgressDisplay code itself.
The problems
with examples are:

1) The package uses the Squeak 4.1 Generators class which is not in Pharo.
    This will cause a few examples to fail unless the Generators class
is installed first.
    Hopefully, the Generators class will be included in a future
release of Pharo so this
    problem will go away.

2)  The examples for testing user interrupts fail because the code
uses the InputSensor
     class which is not in Pharo.  The user interrupt code doesn't
work in Squeak 4.1.
     If catching user interrupts is turned on the interrupts are
caught but not processed
     until the progress bar closes. :-(
     I don't know how to fix this problem in Squeak 4.1 so I am hoping
someone will
     tell me how or fix it for me.  Meanwhile, if someone wants to
implement a working
     version for Pharo that would be great (or tell me what to do).
Keep in mind that,
     if possible, I need a version that will work in both Pharo and Squeak.


Ralph Boland

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