I am [still] playing
around with garbage collection, which has a new twist for me due to using
SandstoneDB--if the image crashes and what is on disk becomes out of
sync with what is in memory when you reload...well, you probably get the idea. Lots of AIDA internal references that can't go away until you work through the in-memory list and remove anything that is not on disk.
Anyway, I frequently get myself into trouble trying to clean up the urlResolver for the site and find myself needing to just remove the site and try again!
However, when I do something like:
(AIDASite named: 'datamanager') urlResolver removeObject: DataManager singleton. "remove the domain object from the site"
followed by:
SwazooServer singleton removeSite: (AIDASite named: 'datamanager'). "stop and remove my site!"
then garbage collect like we have talked about before, and then inspect
AIDASite allInstances,
It still exists....lots of references to it in URLResolver(s), Security Managers, Statistics, etc...
What is the right way to just "vaporize" a site?!
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