"Mark Derricutt" <
[hidden email]> wrote in message
[hidden email]...
> Hey all, just been trying to fix a problem I have with an Outlook Addin
> COM object and noticing something strange.
> The problem is when accessing an object via an IDispatch created instance
> rather than a wrapped class, i.e. the following works:
> (Outlook_Application new explorers item: 1 ) Caption
> But
> ((IDispatch createObject: 'Outlook.Application') explorers item: 1)
> Caption
> gives "Property is read-only".
This is because of the way IDispatch>>doesNotUnderstand: deals with
Microsoft's distinction between properties and methods. If you debug the
expression, you'll see that the problem occurs because the IDispatch
returned by #explorers doesn't understand #item:. The DNU handling guesses
that since #item: takes an argument, it's either a method or property put.
If you avoid the DNU handling by using
((IDispatch createObject: 'Outlook.Application') explorers getProperty:
'item' item: 1)
You get the result you expect. I attribute the issue to the (to me) useless
distinction between methods and properties, but then I'm a certified
Smalltalk bigot anyway ;^).
> I can however get: (IDispatch createObject: 'Outlook.Application')
> explorers count
> So my assumption is a requirement to access the array'd element
> differently somehow when dealing with IDispatch based objects, however I
> can't seem to find any references to it - any ideas?