ProportionalLayout question

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ProportionalLayout question

Gary Overgard
I am trying to use a ProportionalLayout.  If I look at ClassBrowserShell
view, and within one of its ContainerViews the aspect for its layout manager
is set to 'a ProportionalLayout'.  By adding a ShellView to my View hierachy
(in the VC) I can then mutate this to a ContainerView, and add the
appropriate views to it (drag & drop), and set the layout manager to a
proportional layout.  But within this ContainerView I do not get the very
first aspect I need to set, **arrangement aspect  (for example,
arrangement=#center) does not show up as it does in the ClassBrowserShell

What am I doing wrong or need to do?

thanks in advance
  Gary Overgard

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Re: ProportionalLayout question

Ian Bartholomew-6

> What am I doing wrong or need to do?

I'm not quite sure what you are doing so here's a step-by-step.

- Open the VC and select File/New Shell View
- Set it's layout manager aspect to #proportional. This controls the layout
of any views you add to this shell.
- Open up the toolbox and locate "CompositePresenter.Default view". This is
an empty container and should be user in preference to the mutate you
- Drag/drop two of these onto the Shell. NB. You can drop the first directly
onto the shell but, because you have already set the layout manager, it will
be expanded to fill the whole view. You will have to do the second drop onto
the "ShellView" label in the ViewHierarchy tree, bottom left in the VC.
- To make it easier to see set the #hasBorder aspect of both containers to
- You can see that the two containers are equal in size. Select the first
change it's #arrangement aspect to 2 and accept (Ctrl-S). The left hand
view now occupies 2/3 of the shell and the right hand view 1/3
- Go back to the shell and expand the layoutManager aspect tree, you should
see #isVertical set to false. Set this to true and it's two subviews will
now be have a horizontal split but the 2:1 ratio will still hold.
- Next step. Select the larger container view and set it's layoutManager
aspect to BorderLayout. This now sets the layoutManager for anything added
to this container view.
- From the toolbox drag two "PushButton.Push button" resources onto the
larger container. Their #arrangement is set to nil so they just stay the
same size.
- Select one button and change it's #arrangement aspect to "north". It is
fitted across the top of the view and will do so whatever size the shell
becomes (normally used for toolbars).
- Do the same to the other button but choose "south" (normally used for
status bars)
- Back to the toolbox and drop a new "CompositePresenter.Default view"
between the two buttons. Set it's #arrangement to "Centre". It is now
filling the rest of it's parent container - the bits not covered by buttons.
- Final step. Drop six "PushButton.Push Buttons" onto this last container
view. Now change the container's layout manager aspect to GridLayout. The
six buttons will be spread out across the container.  Note that the
PushButtons are given #arrangement aspects but they cannot be set to
anything other than nil. Change the column/row subaspects of the container's
layout manager to arrange the six buttons in a different way.

I'll leave FramingLayout's to you - but ask if you get stuck.


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Re: ProportionalLayout question

Gary Overgard
Thanks Ian, that explanation/demonstration definitely helped.  I also found
that if the top ShellView does not have a LayoutManager, that it causes the
problem with the missing 'arrangement' aspect in sub container views
  Gary Overgard

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Re: ProportionalLayout question

Andy Bower

> Thanks Ian, that explanation/demonstration definitely helped.  I also
> that if the top ShellView does not have a LayoutManager, that it causes
> problem with the missing 'arrangement' aspect in sub container views

It should be perfectly valid for a ShellView not to have a layout manager;
this is the way you would take control of your own subview resizing. Can you
post a code snippet that demonstrates this problem?

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: ProportionalLayout question

Stefan Schmiedl
In reply to this post by Gary Overgard
"Gary Overgard" <[hidden email]> wrote in message news:<a34c3d$2ev$[hidden email]>...

> Thanks Ian, that explanation/demonstration definitely helped.  I also found

> that if the top ShellView does not have a LayoutManager, that it causes the

> problem with the missing 'arrangement' aspect in sub container views

> Regards,

>   Gary Overgard

hehe ... Dolphins are clever ... :-)

arrangement might be presented as property of the object,
it might even be stored in the object (I can't tell right now),
but it only *makes sense*, when there is a layout manager
to use the hint given there.

so there is no need to display it for subviews of non-managed containers.


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Re: ProportionalLayout question

Gary Overgard
In reply to this post by Andy Bower
I presume from Stefans reply that the missing arrangement aspect was my
problem, and not the systems.  Otherwise let me know & I will attempt to
recreate the problem.
"Andy Bower" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:a36ucu$13dm7c$[hidden email]...

> Gary,
> > Thanks Ian, that explanation/demonstration definitely helped.  I also
> found
> > that if the top ShellView does not have a LayoutManager, that it causes
> the
> > problem with the missing 'arrangement' aspect in sub container views
> It should be perfectly valid for a ShellView not to have a layout manager;
> this is the way you would take control of your own subview resizing. Can

> post a code snippet that demonstrates this problem?
> Best Regards,
> Andy Bower
> Dolphin Support
> ---
> Are you trying too hard?
> ---