ProtoObject - maybe a few missing methods?

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ProtoObject - maybe a few missing methods?

Bill Schwab-2
Hi Blair,

I recently had another use for ProtoObject, and found that I needed to add
(to my subclass) #printOn:, #printString, #class to inspect a new instance.
I defer to you on whether this means that I did something wrong, that
inspectors send a few incorrect selectors, or that a few more methods are
needed in ProtoObject.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: ProtoObject - maybe a few missing methods?

Doug Way-2
In article <9545ob$f1ips$[hidden email]>,
  "Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I recently had another use for ProtoObject, and found that I needed to
> (to my subclass) #printOn:, #printString, #class to inspect a new
> I defer to you on whether this means that I did something wrong, that
> inspectors send a few incorrect selectors, or that a few more methods
> needed in ProtoObject.

My guess is none of the above.  I'd say that's just the nature of
dealing with ProtoObjects... they're not really complete objects, so
they need a little help if you want to treat them as normal objects by
inspecting them, etc.  Squeak Smalltalk also has the concept of
ProtoObjects, and they are also missing the #printOn:, #printString, and
#class methods there too, so you would run into the same issues.

- Doug Way
  [hidden email]

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