Is it possible right now in Pharo 4 or 5 on any platform? Cheers, Hernán |
This does not have anything to do with Pharo so no matter the version :)
I keep in sync the VMMaker repositories using a jenkins job with this script (from squeaksource to github): #! /bin/bash set -e eval `ssh-agent` ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa_estebanlm PACKAGES="'VMMaker.oscog'" REPOSITORY=cog # Clone git clone -b spur64 [hidden email]:estebanlm/pharo-vm.git $REPOSITORY cd $REPOSITORY git config --local "[hidden email]" git config --local "Esteban Lorenzano" cd - # Get Pharo (and prepare it) wget -O- | bash ./pharo Pharo.image get OSProcess # Execute sync script ./pharo Pharo.image eval " | origin destination | origin := (MCHttpRepository location: '') instVarNamed: 'cacheFileNames' put: true; yourself. destination := MCFileTreeRepository new directory: '$REPOSITORY/mc' asFileReference ensureCreateDirectory; instVarNamed: 'cacheFileNames' put: true; yourself. #($PACKAGES) do: [ :eachPackageName | | infoOrigin infoDest versionNumber newer | VTermOutputDriver stdout black: 'Updating ', eachPackageName; lf. infoOrigin := origin versionInfoFromVersionNamed: eachPackageName. infoDest := destination versionInfoFromVersionNamed: eachPackageName. versionNumber := infoDest versionNumber. newer := (({infoOrigin}, (infoOrigin allAncestors)) select: [ :each | each versionNumber > versionNumber or: [ each versionNumber = versionNumber and: [ each id ~= infoDest id ] ] ]) sorted: [ :a :b | a timeStamp < b timeStamp ]. newer do: [ :each | | summary | [ VTermOutputDriver stdout green: ('New version: ', each name); lf. VTermOutputDriver stdout << 'Store ' << each name << ' in ' << destination description; cr. destination storeVersion: (origin versionFromFileNamed: (each name, '.mcz')). VTermOutputDriver stdout << 'Commit ' << each name; cr. summary := each summary copyReplaceTokens: String cr with: String crlf. OSProcess waitForCommand: '(cd $REPOSITORY; git add -A ; git commit -m \"', summary, '\")' ] on: Error do: [ :e | VTermOutputDriver stdout yellow: ('Warning: ', e messageText); lf ] ] ]. VTermOutputDriver stdout << 'OK'; cr. " cd $REPOSITORY git push --force origin spur64 git branch --verbose cd - git stuff is to add my credentials, that’s because I use one of our structure servers. One of your own shouldn’t need that part. basically, script does: 1) clone mirrored repo 2) run a script comparing PACKAGES and versions, generate a new export+commit for each new version. 3) does a push with all new commits cheers, Esteban > On 30 Aug 2015, at 21:23, Hernán Morales Durand <[hidden email]> wrote: > > Is it possible right now in Pharo 4 or 5 on any platform? > > Cheers, > > Hernán > |
Thank you for this Esteban. cheers,I dreamed about a magic button in MC :) 2015-08-31 6:10 GMT-03:00 Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]>: This does not have anything to do with Pharo so no matter the version :) |
In reply to this post by EstebanLM
For a Smalltalk solution, I've wrapped and tweaked the original MC script that was floating around on the lists. It needs a cleanup and won't work on Windows because I used NBMacShell, but could easily be cleaned up if others find it helpful. In Pharo 4.0 (may work in 5.0): Metacello new repository: 'github://seandenigris/MonticelloProjectMigrate/repository'; baseline: 'McProjectMigrate'; load. See the class comment for a usage example: | source destination files | source := MCHttpRepository allSubInstances detect: [ :e | e location includesSubstring: 'Playground' ]. destination := MCHttpRepository allSubInstances detect: [ :e | e location includesSubstring: 'Engelbart' ]. files := source allVersionNames select: [ :e | e includesSubstring: 'Chord' ]. McProjectMigrate new source: source; destination: destination; versionFilenames: files; execute. For git, just specify a filetree repo as the destination, and you'll want to replace the final send of #execute with #executeBitbucket (nothing BitBucket-specific; as I said it needs a cleanup!). N.B. The only part that is not handled is filtering existing versions. I wasn't sure how to compare mcz versions with their git counterparts, so it pushes them all by default.
Sean |
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