Hola Gente
Cuando selecciono un item en el PublishedAspectInspector occure lo que se ve en la captura que adjunte.
Veo que occurre aqui:
PublishedAspectInspector >>selectAspect: anAspectAccessor | aspectValue errorOccurred | self removeAspectPresenters. errorOccurred := false. "Replacing the entire value model avoids any chance of any old observers seeing future change events" self newAspectValue: anAspectAccessor. aspectValue := [anAspectAccessor editableValue] on: Error do: [:ex | errorOccurred := true. aspectValue := ex]. "Set the value without triggering a change event" aspectValueModel setValue: aspectValue. errorOccurred ifFalse: [displayPresenter view noRedrawDo: [[self createAspectPresenters: anAspectAccessor] on: Error
do: [:ex | Notification signal: ('Error inspecting <1s>: <2p>' expandMacrosWith: aspectValue basicPrintString with: ex description)]]]. displayPresenter view invalidate
Pero no entiendo que joraca me esta diciendo.
Tengo implementado así:
TV3DLandscape(Class)>>publishedAspectsOfInstances | aspects superAspect | superAspect := super publishedAspectsOfInstances. aspects := OrderedDictionary new. aspects add: (Aspect name: #basicSettingAspect); add: (Aspect name: #lodSettingAspect). aspects addAll: superAspect. ^aspects
TV3DLandscape>>basicSettingAspect "Return the basic setting aspects "
| wrapper aspects | aspects := OrderedDictionary new. aspects add: (Aspect string: #name); add: ((Aspect integer: #chunkHeight) confirm: 'Warning! Changing size flattens the terrain. Proceed?'; caption: 'Reinitialize?'; beConfirmed ); add:
((Aspect integer: #chunkWidth) confirm: 'Warning! Changing size flattens the terrain. Proceed?'; caption: 'Reinitialize?'; beConfirmed ); add: (Aspect name: #position); add: (Aspect choice: #affineLevel from: #(#High #Low #No)); add: (Aspect choice: #lightingMode from: #(#Managed #None #Normal #BumpmappingTangentspace #OffsetBumpmappingTangentspace)). wrapper := WrapperPublishedAspect title: 'Basic Settings ' publishedAspects: aspects
subject: self. ^wrapper
Saludos kiko
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