I have a packge "Buttons" for D5 where i can use a Text plus and Image (both at the same time), but is not working any more for DX6. Does anything has changed in DX6 in PushButton manipulation ? Regards Bruno | package | package := Package name: 'Buttons'. package paxVersion: 0; basicComment: ''. package classNames add: #FlatTextImageButton; add: #IconButton; add: #OwnerDrawButton; add: #PushTextImageButton; yourself. package binaryGlobalNames: (Set new yourself). package globalAliases: (Set new yourself). package allResourceNames: (Set new add: #FlatTextImageButton -> 'Default view'; add: #IconButton -> 'Default view'; add: #OwnerDrawButton -> 'Default view'; add: #PushTextImageButton -> 'Default view'; yourself). package setPrerequisites: (IdentitySet new add: '..\Object Arts\Dolphin\IDE\Base\Development System'; add: '..\Object Arts\Dolphin\Base\Dolphin'; add: '..\Object Arts\Dolphin\MVP\Base\Dolphin MVP Base'; yourself). package! "Class Definitions"! PushButton subclass: #OwnerDrawButton instanceVariableNames: 'buttonState posicion' classVariableNames: 'Shadow' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! OwnerDrawButton subclass: #IconButton instanceVariableNames: 'imageUp imageDown' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! OwnerDrawButton subclass: #PushTextImageButton instanceVariableNames: 'iconSize iconAlignment multiline' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! PushTextImageButton subclass: #FlatTextImageButton instanceVariableNames: 'limitColor limitColorDarker' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! "Global Aliases"! "Loose Methods"! "End of package definition"! "Source Globals"! "Classes"! OwnerDrawButton guid: (GUID fromString: '{E1A2D5D2-312D-45C9-B677-B241196A0466}')! OwnerDrawButton comment: ''! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesForClass!Unclassified! ! !OwnerDrawButton methodsFor! background self backcolor notNil ifFalse: [^(SystemColor fromId: 15) asRGB]. ^self backcolor asRGB! buttonState "Private - Answer the value of the receiver's ''estado'' instance variable." buttonState notNil ifFalse: [^#RELEASED]. ^buttonState! buttonState: anObject "Private - Set the value of the receiver's ''estado'' instance variable to the argument, anObject." buttonState := anObject! defaultExtent "Private - Answer the default size of the receiver to be used when it is created." ^##(48 @ 48)! defaultWindowStyle "Private - Answer a default style to use when creating a checkbox." ^super defaultWindowStyle bitOr: ##( 11)! disableView: aCanvas rect: aRectangle (1 to: aRectangle width) do: [:x | (1 to: aRectangle height) do: [:y | | color | color := aCanvas pixelAt: x @ y. (color isKindOf: RGB) ifTrue: [| intensity | intensity := ((color red + color green + color blue) / 3) truncated. color = self background ifFalse: [aCanvas pixelAt: x @ y put: (RGB red: intensity green: intensity blue: intensity)]]]]! drawBottom: aCanvas color: aColor frame: anInteger "" aCanvas pen: (Pen withStyle: PS_SOLID width: 1 color: aColor). aCanvas brush: (Brush color: aColor). "Bottom" aCanvas moveTo: (0 + anInteger) @ (self extent y - 1 - anInteger). aCanvas lineTo: (self extent x - anInteger) @ (self extent y - 1 - anInteger)! drawButton: aCanvas rect: aRectangle (self isPressed and: [self isInner]) ifTrue: [self drawButtonPressed: aCanvas] ifFalse: [self drawButtonReleased: aCanvas]! drawButtonPressed: aCanvas | color1 color2 color3 | color1 := RGB red: self background red - 32 green: self background green - 32 blue: self background blue - 32. color2 := RGB red: self background red - 96 green: self background red - 96 blue: self background red - 96. color3 := RGB red: self background red - 192 green: self background green - 192 blue: self background blue - 192. self drawTop: aCanvas color: color1 frame: 1; drawLeft: aCanvas color: color1 frame: 1; drawRight: aCanvas color: color1 frame: 1; drawBottom: aCanvas color: color1 frame: 1. self drawTop: aCanvas color: color2 frame: 0; drawLeft: aCanvas color: color2 frame: 0; drawRight: aCanvas color: color1 frame: 0; drawBottom: aCanvas color: color1 frame: 0. self hasFocus ifTrue: [self drawFrame: aCanvas color: color3]! drawButtonReleased: aCanvas | margin color1 color2 color3 color4 | margin := 0. color1 := RGB red: self background red + 32 green: self background green + 32 blue: self background blue + 32. color2 := RGB red: self background red - 32 green: self background green - 32 blue: self background blue - 32. color3 := RGB red: self background red - 96 green: self background red - 96 blue: self background red - 96. color4 := RGB red: self background red - 192 green: self background green - 192 blue: self background blue - 192. self hasFocus ifTrue: [self drawFrame: aCanvas color: color4. margin := 1]. self drawLeft: aCanvas color: color1 frame: margin; drawTop: aCanvas color: color1 frame: margin; drawRight: aCanvas color: color3 frame: margin; drawBottom: aCanvas color: color3 frame: margin. self drawRight: aCanvas color: color2 frame: margin + 1; drawBottom: aCanvas color: color2 frame: margin + 1! drawFrame: aCanvas color: aColor self drawFrame: aCanvas color: aColor margin: 0 ! drawFrame: aCanvas color: aColor margin: anInteger self drawTop: aCanvas color: aColor frame: anInteger. self drawLeft: aCanvas color: aColor frame: anInteger. self drawRight: aCanvas color: aColor frame: anInteger. self drawBottom: aCanvas color: aColor frame: anInteger. ! drawItem: hDC bounding: boundingRectangle "Draw the receivers current models value onto a canvas." | canvas | canvas := Canvas withNonOwnedDC: hDC. canvas save; setBkMode: TRANSPARENT; font: self parentView actualFont. canvas fillRectangle: boundingRectangle brush: (Brush color: self background). self drawButton: canvas rect: boundingRectangle. canvas restore. self update! drawLeft: aCanvas color: aColor frame: anInteger "" aCanvas pen: (Pen withStyle: PS_SOLID width: 1 color: aColor). aCanvas brush: (Brush color: aColor). "Left" aCanvas moveTo: (0 + anInteger) @ (0 + anInteger). aCanvas lineTo: (0 + anInteger) @ (self extent y - anInteger)! drawRight: aCanvas color: aColor frame: anInteger "" aCanvas pen: (Pen withStyle: PS_SOLID width: 1 color: aColor). aCanvas brush: (Brush color: aColor). "Right" aCanvas moveTo: (self extent x - 1 - anInteger) @ (0 + anInteger). aCanvas lineTo: (self extent x - 1 - anInteger) @ (self extent y - anInteger)! drawTop: aCanvas color: aColor frame: anInteger "" aCanvas pen: (Pen withStyle: PS_SOLID width: 1 color: aColor). aCanvas brush: (Brush color: aColor). "Top" aCanvas moveTo: (0 + anInteger) @ (0 + anInteger). aCanvas lineTo: (self extent x - anInteger) @ (0 + anInteger)! imageManager "Answer the imageManager which holds the icons." ^IconImageManager current! initialize "Private - Initialize the receiver's instance variables." super initialize. buttonStyle := 11. "BS_PUSHBUTTON." commandDescription := CommandDescription new. buttonState := #RELEASED! isInner ^posicion == #IN. ! isPressed ^buttonState == #PRESSED! onKeyPressed: aKeyEvent self procesarKeyPressed: aKeyEvent; invalidate. ^super onKeyPressed: aKeyEvent! onKeyReleased: aKeyEvent self procesarKeyReleased: aKeyEvent; invalidate. ^super onKeyReleased: aKeyEvent! onKillFocus "Handler for loss of focus" self procesarKillFocus. ^super onKillFocus! onLeftButtonPressed: aMouseEvent self procesarLeftButtonPressed. ^super onLeftButtonPressed: aMouseEvent! onLeftButtonReleased: aMouseEvent self procesarLeftButtonReleased. ^super onLeftButtonReleased: aMouseEvent! onMouseMoved: aMouseEvent "Default handler for a mouse move event. Accept the default processing. Note: We don't trigger an event here to save churning." self procesarMouseMoved: aMouseEvent. ^super onMouseMoved: aMouseEvent. ! posicion "Private - Answer the value of the receiver's ''posicion'' instance variable." posicion notNil ifFalse: [ ^#OUT]. ^posicion! posicion: anObject "Private - Set the value of the receiver's ''posicion'' instance variable to the argument, anObject." posicion := anObject! procesarKeyPressed: aKeyEvent (aKeyEvent code = 32 and: [aKeyEvent isAltKeyDown not]) ifTrue: [self procesarLeftButtonPressed]! procesarKeyReleased: aKeyEvent (aKeyEvent code = 32 and: [aKeyEvent isBeingReleased]) ifTrue: [self procesarLeftButtonReleased]! procesarKillFocus self buttonState: #RELEASED! procesarLeftButtonPressed self buttonState: #PRESSED! procesarLeftButtonReleased self buttonState: #RELEASED! procesarMouseMoved: aMouseEvent | rectangle | rectangle := Rectangle origin: 0 @ 0 extent: self extent. (rectangle containsPoint: aMouseEvent position) ifTrue: [self posicion: #IN] ifFalse: [self posicion: #OUT]! wmDrawItem: message wParam: wParam lParam: lParam "Private - A part with SbtOwnerRedraw has been asked to redraw itself. Oblige this request. Answer true." | drawItemStruct part | drawItemStruct := DRAWITEMSTRUCT fromAddress: lParam. self drawItem: (ExternalHandle fromInteger: drawItemStruct hDC) bounding: drawItemStruct rcItem asRectangle. ^true! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #background!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #buttonState!accessing!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #buttonState:!accessing!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #defaultExtent!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #defaultWindowStyle!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #disableView:rect:!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #drawBottom:color:frame:!Button Shadow!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #drawButton:rect:!public! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #drawButtonPressed:!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #drawButtonReleased:!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #drawFrame:color:!Button Shadow!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #drawFrame:color:margin:!Button Shadow!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #drawItem:bounding:!public! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #drawLeft:color:frame:!Button Shadow!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #drawRight:color:frame:!Button Shadow!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #drawTop:color:frame:!Button Shadow!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #imageManager!public! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #initialize!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #isInner!public! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #isPressed!event handling!public! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #onKeyPressed:!public! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #onKeyReleased:!public! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #onKillFocus!public! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #onLeftButtonPressed:!event handling!public! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #onLeftButtonReleased:!event handling!public! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #onMouseMoved:!event handling!public! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #posicion!accessing!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #posicion:!accessing!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #procesarKeyPressed:!public! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #procesarKeyReleased:!public! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #procesarKillFocus!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #procesarLeftButtonPressed!event handling!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #procesarLeftButtonReleased!event handling!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #procesarMouseMoved:!event handling!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton categoriesFor: #wmDrawItem:wParam:lParam:!private! ! !OwnerDrawButton class methodsFor! shadowSize Shadow notNil ifFalse: [^3]. ^Shadow! ! !OwnerDrawButton class categoriesFor: #shadowSize!public! ! IconButton guid: (GUID fromString: '{389AE1C9-3208-421A-ABD6-1E9D67481ADE}')! IconButton comment: ''! !IconButton categoriesForClass!Unclassified! ! !IconButton methodsFor! drawButton: aCanvas rect: aRectangle (self isPressed and: [self isInner]) ifTrue: [ imageDown notNil ifTrue: [ imageDown drawOn: aCanvas at: aRectangle origin extent: (aRectangle width@(aRectangle height)) ] ifFalse: [self drawButtonPressed: aCanvas]] ifFalse: [ imageUp notNil ifTrue: [ imageUp drawOn: aCanvas at: aRectangle origin extent: (aRectangle width@(aRectangle height))] ifFalse: [self drawButtonReleased: aCanvas]]. ! imageDown "Private - Answer the value of the receiver's ''imageDown'' instance variable." ^imageDown! imageDown: anObject "Private - Set the value of the receiver's ''imageDown'' instance variable to the argument, anObject." imageDown := anObject! imageUp "Private - Answer the value of the receiver's ''imageUp'' instance variable." ^imageUp! imageUp: anObject "Private - Set the value of the receiver's ''imageUp'' instance variable to the argument, anObject." imageUp := anObject. self image: imageUp.! ! !IconButton categoriesFor: #drawButton:rect:!private! ! !IconButton categoriesFor: #imageDown!accessing!private! ! !IconButton categoriesFor: #imageDown:!accessing!private! ! !IconButton categoriesFor: #imageUp!accessing!private! ! !IconButton categoriesFor: #imageUp:!accessing!private! ! PushTextImageButton guid: (GUID fromString: '{13673742-64B2-4EBD-A74A-54D7C6962B41}')! PushTextImageButton comment: ''! !PushTextImageButton categoriesForClass!Unclassified! ! !PushTextImageButton methodsFor! alignRect: aCanvas rect: aRectangle (self iconAlignment == #bottom) ifTrue: [^Rectangle origin: (aRectangle origin) corner: (aRectangle corner - (0@(self iconSize y)))]. (self iconAlignment == #left) ifTrue: [^Rectangle origin: (aRectangle origin + ((self iconSize x)@0)) corner: (aRectangle corner)]. (self iconAlignment == #right) ifTrue: [^Rectangle origin: (aRectangle origin) corner: (aRectangle corner - ((self iconSize x)@0))]. (self iconAlignment == #top) ifTrue: [^Rectangle origin: (aRectangle origin + (0@(self iconSize y))) corner: (aRectangle corner)]. ! centerIconAt: aRectangle | iconRect center | iconRect := Rectangle origin: 0@0 extent: self iconSize. (self iconAlignment == #bottom) ifTrue: [center := (aRectangle width // 2)@(aRectangle height - self class shadowSize - (self iconSize y // 2))]. (self iconAlignment == #left) ifTrue: [center := (self class shadowSize + (self iconSize x// 2))@(aRectangle height // 2)]. (self iconAlignment == #right) ifTrue: [center := (aRectangle width - self class shadowSize - (self iconSize x // 2))@(aRectangle height // 2)]. (self iconAlignment == #top) ifTrue: [center := (aRectangle width // 2)@(self class shadowSize + (self iconSize y // 2))]. ^(iconRect center: center) origin ! drawButton: aCanvas rect: aRectangle super drawButton: aCanvas rect: aRectangle. self paintButton: aCanvas rect: aRectangle. ! drawIcon: aCanvas in: aRectangle self isEnabled ifTrue: [image drawOn: aCanvas at: (self centerIconAt: aRectangle) extent: self iconSize] ifFalse: [image drawDisabledOn: aCanvas at: (self centerIconAt: aRectangle) extent: self iconSize]! iconAlignment "Private - Answer the value of the receiver's ''iconAlignment'' instance variable." iconAlignment notNil ifFalse: [^#left]. ^iconAlignment! iconAlignment: anObject "Private - Set the value of the receiver's ''iconAlignment'' instance variable to the argument, anObject." iconAlignment := anObject. self invalidate.! iconSize "Private - Answer the value of the receiver's ''size'' instance variable." iconSize notNil ifFalse: [^32@32]. ^iconSize! iconSize: anObject "Private - Set the value of the receiver's ''iconSize'' instance variable to the argument, anObject." iconSize := anObject. self invalidate! initialize "Private - Initialize the receiver's instance variables." super initialize. iconSize := 32@32.! multiline "Private - Answer the value of the receiver's ''multiline'' instance variable." multiline notNil ifFalse: [^false]. ^multiline! multiline: anObject "Private - Set the value of the receiver's ''multiline'' instance variable to the argument, anObject." multiline := anObject. self invalidate! paintButton: aCanvas rect: aRectangle | rect | rect := Rectangle origin: aRectangle origin + self class shadowSize corner: aRectangle extent - self class shadowSize. image notNil ifTrue: [self drawIcon: aCanvas in: aRectangle. rect := self alignRect: aCanvas rect: rect]. self text notNil ifTrue: [self writeText: aCanvas in: rect]! shadow: aCanvas rect: aRectangle (1 to: aRectangle width) do: [:x | (1 to: aRectangle height) do: [:y | | color | color := aCanvas pixelAt: x @ y. (color isKindOf: RGB) ifTrue: [color red: color red - 32 green: color green - 32 blue: color blue - 32. aCanvas pixelAt: x @ y put: color]]]! textFlags self multiline ifTrue: [^##(DT_VCENTER | DT_CENTER)]. ^##(DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER | DT_CENTER)! writeText: aCanvas in: aRect self isEnabled ifTrue: [aCanvas setTextColor: (SystemColor fromId: COLOR_BTNTEXT). aCanvas formatText: self text in: aRect flags: self textFlags] ifFalse: [aCanvas setTextColor: (SystemColor fromId: COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT). aCanvas formatText: self text in: aRect flags: self textFlags. aCanvas setTextColor: (SystemColor fromId: COLOR_3DSHADOW). aCanvas formatText: self text in: aRect flags: self textFlags]! ! !PushTextImageButton categoriesFor: #alignRect:rect:!private! ! !PushTextImageButton categoriesFor: #centerIconAt:!private! ! !PushTextImageButton categoriesFor: #drawButton:rect:!private! ! !PushTextImageButton categoriesFor: #drawIcon:in:!private! ! !PushTextImageButton categoriesFor: #iconAlignment!accessing!private! ! !PushTextImageButton categoriesFor: #iconAlignment:!accessing!private! ! !PushTextImageButton categoriesFor: #iconSize!accessing!private! ! !PushTextImageButton categoriesFor: #iconSize:!accessing!private! ! !PushTextImageButton categoriesFor: #initialize!private! ! !PushTextImageButton categoriesFor: #multiline!accessing!private! ! !PushTextImageButton categoriesFor: #multiline:!accessing!private! ! !PushTextImageButton categoriesFor: #paintButton:rect:!private! ! !PushTextImageButton categoriesFor: #shadow:rect:!private! ! !PushTextImageButton categoriesFor: #textFlags!private! ! !PushTextImageButton categoriesFor: #writeText:in:!private! ! !PushTextImageButton class methodsFor! alignOptions ^#(bottom left right top) asSortedCollection! publishedAspectsOfInstances "Answer a Set of the aspects published by instances of the receiver" ^super publishedAspectsOfInstances add: (Aspect choice: #iconAlignment from: self alignOptions); add: (Aspect name: #iconSize); add: (Aspect boolean: #multiline); yourself! ! !PushTextImageButton class categoriesFor: #alignOptions!public! ! !PushTextImageButton class categoriesFor: #publishedAspectsOfInstances!public! ! FlatTextImageButton guid: (GUID fromString: '{C91D9540-676B-4061-96E1-757587735381}')! FlatTextImageButton comment: ''! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesForClass!Unclassified! ! !FlatTextImageButton methodsFor! defaultLimitColor ^RGB red: 255 green: 224 blue: 142! defaultLimitColorDarker ^RGB red: 247 green: 148 blue: 29! drawButton: aCanvas rect: aRectangle self isInner ifTrue: [self isPressed ifTrue: [self drawButtonPressed: aCanvas] ifFalse: [self drawButtonReleased: aCanvas]] ifFalse: [self drawButtonReleased2: aCanvas]. super paintButton: aCanvas rect: aRectangle! drawButtonPressed: aCanvas | shadow bright | shadow := RGB red: self background red + 32 green: self background green + 32 blue: self background blue + 32. bright := RGB red: self background red - 96 green: self background red - 96 blue: self background red - 96. self drawTop: aCanvas color: bright frame: 0; drawLeft: aCanvas color: bright frame: 0; drawRight: aCanvas color: shadow frame: 0; drawBottom: aCanvas color: shadow frame: 0! drawButtonReleased: aCanvas self drawTop: aCanvas color: self limitColor frame: 0; drawLeft: aCanvas color: self limitColor frame: 0; drawRight: aCanvas color: self limitColorDarker frame: 0; drawBottom: aCanvas color: self limitColorDarker frame: 0! drawButtonReleased2: aCanvas | colorClaro colorOscuro colorFocus frame | colorClaro := RGB red: self background red + 32 green: self background red + 32 blue: self background red + 32. colorOscuro := RGB red: self background red - 96 green: self background green - 96 blue: self background blue - 96. colorFocus := RGB red: 0 green: 118 blue: 163. frame := 0. self hasFocus ifTrue: [self drawFrame: aCanvas color: colorFocus. frame := 1]. self drawTop: aCanvas color: colorClaro frame: frame; drawLeft: aCanvas color: colorClaro frame: frame; drawRight: aCanvas color: colorOscuro frame: frame; drawBottom: aCanvas color: colorOscuro frame: frame! isInner self isEnabled ifFalse: [self setOutside]. ^super isInner or: [self posicion == #KEY]! limitColor limitColor isNil ifTrue:[limitColor := self defaultLimitColor]. ^limitColor! limitColor: anObject limitColor := anObject! limitColorDarker limitColorDarker isNil ifTrue:[limitColorDarker := self defaultLimitColorDarker]. ^limitColorDarker! limitColorDarker: anObject limitColorDarker := anObject! onActionPerformed super onActionPerformed. self setOutside! procesarKeyPressed: aKeyEvent super procesarKeyPressed: aKeyEvent. self setKeyPressed! procesarKeyReleased: aKeyEvent super procesarKeyPressed: aKeyEvent. self setOutside! procesarLeftButtonPressed self buttonState == #PRESSED ifFalse: [self buttonState: #PRESSED; invalidate]! procesarLeftButtonReleased self buttonState: #RELEASED; invalidate! procesarMouseMoved: aMouseEvent | rectangle | rectangle := Rectangle origin: 0@0 extent: self extent. (rectangle containsPoint: aMouseEvent position) ifTrue: [ self isPressed ifFalse: [self setCapture]. self setInside] ifFalse:[ self isPressed ifFalse: [self releaseCapture]. self setOutside]. ! releaseCapture self class releaseCapture! setInside (self posicion == #IN or: [self posicion == #KEY]) ifFalse: [self posicion: #IN; invalidate]! setKeyPressed self posicion == #KEY ifFalse: [self posicion: #KEY; invalidate]! setOutside (self posicion == #OUT or: [self posicion == #KEY and: [self isEnabled]]) ifFalse: [self posicion: #OUT; invalidate]! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #defaultLimitColor!private! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #defaultLimitColorDarker!private! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #drawButton:rect:!public! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #drawButtonPressed:!private! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #drawButtonReleased:!private! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #drawButtonReleased2:!private! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #isInner!public! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #limitColor!accessing!private! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #limitColor:!accessing!private! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #limitColorDarker!accessing!private! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #limitColorDarker:!accessing!private! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #onActionPerformed!public! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #procesarKeyPressed:!event handling!private! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #procesarKeyReleased:!event handling!private! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #procesarLeftButtonPressed!event handling!private! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #procesarLeftButtonReleased!event handling!private! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #procesarMouseMoved:!event handling!private! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #releaseCapture!event handling!private! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #setInside!event handling!private! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #setKeyPressed!event handling!private! ! !FlatTextImageButton categoriesFor: #setOutside!event handling!private! ! "Binary Globals"! "Resources"! (ResourceIdentifier class: FlatTextImageButton name: 'Default view') assign: (Object fromBinaryStoreBytes: (ByteArray fromBase64String: 'IVNUQiAxIEYCDAABAAAAVmlld1Jlc291cmNlAAAAAA4BJABTVEJSZXNvdXJjZVNUQkJ5dGVBcnJh eUFjY2Vzc29yUHJveHkAAAAAcgAAAEICAAAhU1RCIDEgTggMAAoAAABTVEJWaWV3UHJveHkAAAAA mgAAAAAAAABSAAAADwAAAFdhbGljeGUgV2lkZ2V0c1IAAAATAAAARmxhdFRleHRJbWFnZUJ1dHRv bmIAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAABiAAAAAgAAAIIAAAAEAAAACyABRAEAAACgAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKABAAAAAAAAggAAAAgAAAA1A///AAAAAEYFEgAEAAAAQ29tbWFuZERl c2NyaXB0aW9uAAAAALoAAAAAAAAAUgAAAAkAAABub0NvbW1hbmQAAAAAAQAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAA ABcAAAC6AAAAAAAAAFIAAAAIAAAAUkVMRUFTRUQGAgUAUG9pbnQAAAAAQQAAAEEAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAGAQ8ATWVzc2FnZVNlcXVlbmNlAAAAAMoAAAAAAAAA0AAAAGIAAAABAAAABgMLAE1lc3Nh Z2VTZW5kAAAAALoAAAAAAAAAUgAAABAAAABjcmVhdGVBdDpleHRlbnQ6YgAAAAIAAACCAgAAAAAA AAsAAAALAAAAggIAAAAAAAC/AAAARwAAAKABAAAGAQ8AV0lORE9XUExBQ0VNRU5UAAAAAHIAAAAs AAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/////////////////////wUAAAAFAAAAZAAAACgAAADKAAAAAAAAANAA AABiAAAAAAAAAIICAAAAAAAAwQAAAMEAAAAAAAAAEwAAAEYFBAADAAAASWNvbgAAAAAAAAAAEAAA AA4CEQBTVEJTaW5nbGV0b25Qcm94eQAAAACaAAAAAAAAAFIAAAAHAAAARG9scGhpblIAAAAYAAAA SW1hZ2VSZWxhdGl2ZUZpbGVMb2NhdG9yugAAAAAAAABSAAAABwAAAGN1cnJlbnRSAAAADgAAAFB1 c2hCdXR0b24uaWNvDgIfAFNUQkV4dGVybmFsUmVzb3VyY2VMaWJyYXJ5UHJveHkAAAAAUgAAABAA AABkb2xwaGluZHIwMDUuZGxsAAAAAA=='))! (ResourceIdentifier class: IconButton name: 'Default view') assign: (Object fromBinaryStoreBytes: (ByteArray fromBase64String: 'IVNUQiAxIEYCDAABAAAAVmlld1Jlc291cmNlAAAAAA4BJABTVEJSZXNvdXJjZVNUQkJ5dGVBcnJh eUFjY2Vzc29yUHJveHkAAAAAcgAAAOsDAAAhU1RCIDAgTggMAAoAAABTVEJWaWV3UHJveHkAAAAA TgINAAEAAABTVEJDbGFzc1Byb3h5AAAAADYABgBTdHJpbmcOAAAAUGFxdWV0ZXMgLSBBQkySAAAA CgAAAEljb25CdXR0b24mAAUAQXJyYXkSAAAAAAAAAAAAAADCAAAAAgAAADYADABMYXJnZUludGVn ZXIEAAAASyABRAEAAABgAAAAAAAAAAYBCwBTeXN0ZW1Db2xvcgAAAAAfAAAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPIAAAAEAAAAIvTSd0YEEgACAAAAQ29tbWFuZERlc2NyaXB0aW9uAAAA AA4BDgBTVEJTeW1ib2xQcm94eQAAAACSAAAACQAAAG5vQ29tbWFuZAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAEYFBAAD AAAASWNvbgAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAA4CEQBTVEJTaW5nbGV0b25Qcm94eQAAAAB6AAAAAAAAAJIAAAAH AAAARG9scGhpbpIAAAAYAAAASW1hZ2VSZWxhdGl2ZUZpbGVMb2NhdG9yagEAAAAAAACSAAAABwAA AGN1cnJlbnSSAAAAQwAAAC4uXC4uXC4uXC4uXFdpZGdldHNcSWNvbm9zXEJvdG9uZXNcQm90825W ZXJkZUFjdGl2b05vUHJlc2lvbmFkby5pY28OAh8AU1RCRXh0ZXJuYWxSZXNvdXJjZUxpYnJhcnlQ cm94eQAAAACSAAAAEAAAAGRvbHBoaW5kcjAwNC5kbGwAAAAAAQAAAJIBAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAADA AQAAkgAAAEEAAAAuLlwuLlwuLlwuLlxXaWRnZXRzXEljb25vc1xCb3RvbmVzXEJvdPNuVmVyZGVB Y3Rpdm9QcmVzaW9uYWRvLmljb0ACAAAGAQ8ATWVzc2FnZVNlcXVlbmNlAAAAAA4CEgBTVEJDb2xs ZWN0aW9uUHJveHkAAAAAegAAAAAAAADgAQAAkgAAABEAAABPcmRlcmVkQ29sbGVjdGlvbsIAAAAB AAAABgMLAE1lc3NhZ2VTZW5kAAAAAGoBAAAAAAAAkgAAABAAAABjcmVhdGVBdDpleHRlbnQ6wgAA AAIAAAAGAgUAUG9pbnQAAAAACwAAAAsAAABCAwAAAAAAAKEAAAChAAAAYAAAAAYBDwBXSU5ET1dQ TEFDRU1FTlQAAAAANgAJAEJ5dGVBcnJheSwAAAAsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD///////////////////// BQAAAAUAAABVAAAAVQAAAKoCAAAAAAAAwAIAAMIAAAAAAAAAQgMAAAAAAADBAAAAwQAAAAAAAAAT AAAARgUEAAMAAABJY29uAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAADgIRAFNUQlNpbmdsZXRvblByb3h5AAAAAJoAAAAA AAAAUgAAAAcAAABEb2xwaGluUgAAABgAAABJbWFnZVJlbGF0aXZlRmlsZUxvY2F0b3K6AAAAAAAA AFIAAAAHAAAAY3VycmVudFIAAAAOAAAAUHVzaEJ1dHRvbi5pY28OAh8AU1RCRXh0ZXJuYWxSZXNv dXJjZUxpYnJhcnlQcm94eQAAAABSAAAAEAAAAGRvbHBoaW5kcjAwNS5kbGwAAAAA'))! (ResourceIdentifier class: OwnerDrawButton name: 'Default view') assign: (Object fromBinaryStoreBytes: (ByteArray fromBase64String: 'IVNUQiAxIEYCDAABAAAAVmlld1Jlc291cmNlAAAAAA4BJABTVEJSZXNvdXJjZVNUQkJ5dGVBcnJh eUFjY2Vzc29yUHJveHkAAAAAcgAAAH4CAAAhU1RCIDAgTggMAAoAAABTVEJWaWV3UHJveHkAAAAA TgINAAEAAABTVEJDbGFzc1Byb3h5AAAAADYABgBTdHJpbmcOAAAAUGFxdWV0ZXMgLSBBQkySAAAA DwAAAE93bmVyRHJhd0J1dHRvbiYABQBBcnJheREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMIAAAACAAAANgAMAExhcmdl SW50ZWdlcgQAAAALIAFEAQAAAGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AADyAAAABAAAACL00ndGBBIAAgAAAENvbW1hbmREZXNjcmlwdGlvbgAAAAAOAQ4AU1RCU3ltYm9s UHJveHkAAAAAkgAAAAkAAABub0NvbW1hbmQAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAYBDwBNZXNzYWdl U2VxdWVuY2UAAAAADgISAFNUQkNvbGxlY3Rpb25Qcm94eQAAAAB6AAAAAAAAAJIAAAAHAAAARG9s cGhpbpIAAAARAAAAT3JkZXJlZENvbGxlY3Rpb27CAAAAAQAAAAYDCwBNZXNzYWdlU2VuZAAAAABK AQAAAAAAAJIAAAAQAAAAY3JlYXRlQXQ6ZXh0ZW50OsIAAAACAAAABgIFAFBvaW50AAAAAAsAAAAL AAAAQgIAAAAAAABlAAAAZQAAAGAAAAAGAQ8AV0lORE9XUExBQ0VNRU5UAAAAADYACQBCeXRlQXJy YXksAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/////////////////////wUAAAAFAAAANwAAADcAAACaAQAAAAAA ALABAADCAAAAAAAAAEICAAAAAAAAwQAAAMEAAAAAAAAAEwAAAEYFBAADAAAASWNvbgAAAAAAAAAA EAAAAA4CEQBTVEJTaW5nbGV0b25Qcm94eQAAAACaAAAAAAAAAFIAAAAHAAAARG9scGhpblIAAAAY AAAASW1hZ2VSZWxhdGl2ZUZpbGVMb2NhdG9yugAAAAAAAABSAAAABwAAAGN1cnJlbnRSAAAADgAA AFB1c2hCdXR0b24uaWNvDgIfAFNUQkV4dGVybmFsUmVzb3VyY2VMaWJyYXJ5UHJveHkAAAAAUgAA ABAAAABkb2xwaGluZHIwMDUuZGxsAAAAAA=='))! (ResourceIdentifier class: PushTextImageButton name: 'Default view') assign: (Object fromBinaryStoreBytes: (ByteArray fromBase64String: 'IVNUQiAxIEYCDAABAAAAVmlld1Jlc291cmNlAAAAAA4BJABTVEJSZXNvdXJjZVNUQkJ5dGVBcnJh eUFjY2Vzc29yUHJveHkAAAAAcgAAAG8CAAAhU1RCIDAgTggMAAoAAABTVEJWaWV3UHJveHkAAAAA TgINAAEAAABTVEJDbGFzc1Byb3h5AAAAADYABgBTdHJpbmcDAAAAbmlskgAAABMAAABQdXNoVGV4 dEltYWdlQnV0dG9uJgAFAEFycmF5EQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwgAAAAIAAAAXQAIIAQAAAGAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA2AAwATGFyZ2VJbnRlZ2VyBAAAACL00ndG BBIAAgAAAENvbW1hbmREZXNjcmlwdGlvbgAAAAAOAQ4AU1RCU3ltYm9sUHJveHkAAAAAkgAAAAkA AABub0NvbW1hbmQAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFwAAAAYBDwBNZXNzYWdlU2VxdWVuY2UAAAAADgIS AFNUQkNvbGxlY3Rpb25Qcm94eQAAAAB6AAAAAAAAAJIAAAAHAAAARG9scGhpbpIAAAARAAAAT3Jk ZXJlZENvbGxlY3Rpb27CAAAAAQAAAAYDCwBNZXNzYWdlU2VuZAAAAAA6AQAAAAAAAJIAAAAQAAAA Y3JlYXRlQXQ6ZXh0ZW50OsIAAAACAAAABgIFAFBvaW50AAAAAAEAAAABAAAAMgIAAAAAAADrAAAA YQAAAGAAAAAGAQ8AV0lORE9XUExBQ0VNRU5UAAAAADYACQBCeXRlQXJyYXksAAAALAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA/////////////////////wAAAADi////dQAAABIAAACKAQAAAAAAAKABAADCAAAAAAAAADIC AAAAAAAAwQAAAMEAAAAAAAAAEwAAAEYFBAADAAAASWNvbgAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAA4CEQBTVEJTaW5n bGV0b25Qcm94eQAAAACaAAAAAAAAAFIAAAAHAAAARG9scGhpblIAAAAYAAAASW1hZ2VSZWxhdGl2 ZUZpbGVMb2NhdG9yugAAAAAAAABSAAAABwAAAGN1cnJlbnRSAAAADgAAAFB1c2hCdXR0b24uaWNv DgIfAFNUQkV4dGVybmFsUmVzb3VyY2VMaWJyYXJ5UHJveHkAAAAAUgAAABAAAABkb2xwaGluZHIw MDUuZGxsAAAAAA=='))! |
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