PushButton and invalidateUserInterface

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PushButton and invalidateUserInterface

Martin Rubi
Hi everyone.
I have a particular push button and I don't want it to send an
#invalidateUserInterface when pushed. Which would be the right way to do
this ?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: PushButton and invalidateUserInterface

Chris Uppal-3
Martin Rubi wrote:

> I have a particular push button and I don't want it to send an
> #invalidateUserInterface when pushed. Which would be the right way to do
> this ?

I can't think of any way except using a custom subclass of PushButton that
overrides #onCommand:.

But it seems a slightly odd thing to have to do (especially as
#invalidateUserInterface is sent fairly frequently for other reasons --
#onFocusGained, for example); perhaps there's a better way of solving your
problem (whatever it is) that doesn't involve messing with buttons and/or the
command infrastructure.

    -- chris

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Re: PushButton and invalidateUserInterface

Martin Rubi
> But it seems a slightly odd thing to have to do

Chris, you are rigth. I have a button that users tend to press repetetively,
but I was experimenting some delay after every push. I thought it had
something to do with triggering an #invalidateUserInterface every time, but
looking further showed me that the problem was elsewhere (in my own
implementation of push buttons, actually).

Thanks for you answer.