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Ingo Blank-3
Hi all,

I know this was addressed before, but I neither can remember the solution
nor can I find the appropriate thread in the archive.
All I can remember is, that it has to do with ContextFrames...

So here it is again:

Q: How can I determine the name of a method at runtime?


self whatIsMyName "should answer aClass>>aMethod"

Thank you very much

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Re: [Q]ContextFrames

Dmitry Zamotkin-3
Hi, Ingo

"Ingo Blank" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:3b563b43$0$140$[hidden email]...

> Hi all,
> I know this was addressed before, but I neither can remember the solution
> nor can I find the appropriate thread in the archive.
> All I can remember is, that it has to do with ContextFrames...
> So here it is again:
> Q: How can I determine the name of a method at runtime?
> aClass>>aMethod
> self whatIsMyName "should answer aClass>>aMethod"

The answer is:

    | whatIsMyName |
    whatIsMyName := Processor activeProcess topFrame method displayString

> Thank you very much
> Ingo

Not at all,