[Q] How can I make configure for code fetched from repository?

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[Q] How can I make configure for code fetched from repository?

Chun, Sungjin

I think this seems to related to automake/autoconf but I cannot
figure out how can I prepare configure for building.

Can anyone let me know how to do this or provide me the location
of doc/guide?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: [Q] How can I make configure for code fetched from repository?

S.J.Chun wrote:
> I think this seems to related to automake/autoconf but I cannot
> figure out how can I prepare configure for building.

With recent autotools, autoreconf -fvis will do the trick.  This is
pretty much the standard command for bootstrapping from Makefile.am and
configure.ac files in modern autotools projects.

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