Dear Niall,
Sorry, these are three "not" answers :
> - you are about to port it
not in a near future
> - there is an RSS facility I should use instead in VW
not that I know of
> - there are issues with it (in VW / generally)
not that I know of
Porting pmm.9 should not be that difficult.
Once you have loaded RSRSS2 into a Squeak Seaside 2.8
image, you will need to load a recent version of
PackageInfo-Exporters from squeaksource/Seaside.
Then, evaluate the following in a workspace
RSRssVWInfo fileOutVW5.
This will create a file named
in the Squeak running directory.
This file is to be filed-in into your VW Seaside 2.8
image. Then, you will have to polish that a bit before
Best luck,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Niall Ross [mailto:
[hidden email]]
> Sent: mercredi, 24. octobre 2007 20:02
> To: Bany, Michel; VWNC,
> Cc:
[hidden email];
[hidden email]
> Subject: [QUERY] RSRSS2 / SeasideRSRSS
> Dear Michel,
> AFAICT there is no port of RSRSS2 (the 2.8-compatible version of
> SeasideRSRSS) in the Cincom OR. By all means tell me that
> - you are about to port it
> - there is an RSS facility I should use instead in VW
> - there are issues with it (in VW / generally)
> or whatever. Otherwise, I will port version pmm.9 or later.
> FYI, my motive is merely that Pier-All in Squeak includes
> Pier-Blog so it would be naturally to make its port a
> subbundle of the Pier bundle in VW when keeping the two
> synchronised; Pier-Blog wants RSRSS or similar as prereq and
> I prefer to test the work on 2.8.
> Yours faithfully
> Niall Ross