Question on FUEL & Simple Persistence

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Question on FUEL & Simple Persistence

Torsten Bergmann
>When I try to install FUEL in a fresh Pharo 3.0 (latest) image, I get the
>following warning:

Fuel is already in the standard image, no need to load it.

>Now going to Simple Persistence, reading through the comments it seems that
>depends on FUEL, isn't it?
>Are there any tutorial or example using SP?

Google for it. I would recommend:

Just open the config browser in a fresh Pharo 3.0, click on "Tools" -> "Configuration Browser"
and load SimplePersistence.

Then implement a subclass of SpFileDatabase for your custom simple persistence
as in the tutorials.  


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Re: Question on FUEL & Simple Persistence

Thanks Torsten!
I will check that pharocast right now.

Lic. Ignacio Sniechowski, MBA

On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 2:12 PM, Torsten Bergmann <[hidden email]> wrote:
>When I try to install FUEL in a fresh Pharo 3.0 (latest) image, I get the
>following warning:

Fuel is already in the standard image, no need to load it.

>Now going to Simple Persistence, reading through the comments it seems that
>depends on FUEL, isn't it?
>Are there any tutorial or example using SP?

Google for it. I would recommend:

Just open the config browser in a fresh Pharo 3.0, click on "Tools" -> "Configuration Browser"
and load SimplePersistence.

Then implement a subclass of SpFileDatabase for your custom simple persistence
as in the tutorials.


Nacho Smalltalker apprentice. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Re: Question on FUEL & Simple Persistence

In reply to this post by Torsten Bergmann
thanks for this post, Torsten !  it's a keeper , as the fishermen say in Minnesota :-)

it gets a least 3 gmail tag-labels and into gmail Pharo/tips folder now ... and a few tags as a copy-paste-a-note in CintaNotes until there is a Pharo GTD+tagged-annotations app to import from CintaNotes, OneNote, RedNotebook, CherryNotes, KeepNote, Penzu, ListIt  ... ;-)

On 1 March 2014 13:12, Torsten Bergmann <[hidden email]> wrote:
>When I try to install FUEL in a fresh Pharo 3.0 (latest) image, I get the
>following warning:

Fuel is already in the standard image, no need to load it.

>Now going to Simple Persistence, reading through the comments it seems that
>depends on FUEL, isn't it?
>Are there any tutorial or example using SP?

Google for it. I would recommend:

Just open the config browser in a fresh Pharo 3.0, click on "Tools" -> "Configuration Browser"
and load SimplePersistence.

Then implement a subclass of SpFileDatabase for your custom simple persistence
as in the tutorials.
