Olivier Auverlot is writing a nice article on Garage for Linux mag
and I got some questions that popped up.
Guillermo is on holiday now for a week but I still want to put on
paper my questions:
To check for a driver we pass a symbol
isAvailable: #postgresv2
I found that a bit error prone
Olivier creates also manually the connection string
MesCD >> MesCDConnectionString
Here the postgresV2 has an upper case.
So I'm wondering if we missed something.
I was thinking that I would expect more something like that:
isAvailable: GADriver postgresv2
MesCD >> MesCDConnectionString
^ GADriver postgresV2 base:
'mescd' user: 'olivier' pass: 'motdepasse'
And we can imagine to have variation
for port and url