> This is my first time to program in SmallTalk. I would like to ask where
> can I get a good tutorial from internet for naive (like me :>) user?
> Because I need to do a project to make "the flight chess game" with it,
> I also need the tutorial about the Dictionary Class.
There's a beginners tutorial for Dolphin at:
http://www.object-arts.com/EducationCentre/BeginnersGuide/BeginnersGuide.htmalthough I don't think it includes much information on Dictionary. Try
looking for the Smalltalk Express tutorial... that may have useful stuff in
it on the Collection hierarchy (of which Dictionary is a part)
http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/viljamaa/okp2000/jp/manuals/smalltalk/ah, yes, Chapter 7 is what you want...and there is some stuff on
Dictionaries. BTW, most of the non-GUI Smalltalk Express stuff will work in
> One more question. Can Smalltalk support to show transparent colour in an
> image? I need to show graphics in tranparent colour too.
It isn't so much whether Smalltalk can support transparency as whether your
underlying graphic substrate can. By default, Dolphin Smalltalk uses Windows
bitmaps for graphics and these generally don't support an alpha
(transparency) component. What you'll probably want to do is to use DirectX
(DirectDraw in particular) or OpenGL which will allow you to do this sort of
stuff. There is an unsupported DirectX Kit available for Dolphin in the
Object Arts downloads library:
http://www.object-arts.com/Downloads/Downloads.htmor I believe Creative Computing have an OpenGL interface at:
http://www.creative-computing-inc.com/Best Regards
Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
http://www.object-arts.com/Support.htmNot all Addictions are Bad for you