Andy Bower wrote:
> Folks,
> I'm quietly confident that we can make the beta 1 drop by the end of
> this week (and that's still bearing in mind it is my son's 4th birthday
> today - with all that that entails*).
> On another matter, I have tried to contact David Gorisek by e-mail
> concerning the wiki discussion. Unfortunately, these e-mails (to
[hidden email]) have bounced. Does anyone have his current e-mail
> address.
> Best regards,
> Andy Bower
> Dolphin Support
> *Any UK "child of the sixties" will appreciate his favourite birthday
> present so far: Well,
> okay, it's *my* favourite, anyway.
Congrats to your son - if D6 gets delayed another day or two over a
birthday, I won't complain :-)
BTW, for us children of the 60's in the US, where we were busy copying
things from the UK, can you explain the gadgets...
American Nuclear Insurers