RBFormatter and Symbols

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RBFormatter and Symbols

Steve Alan Waring
Hi Blair,

Was a change made to how the RBFormatter formats symbols in RC1?

An example of the problem I am having is to format a method containing the
literal #'urn:foo' twice.

I dont have an old beta image to see what changed, but the Dolphin4
RBFormatter>>formatLiteral: method treats a symbol as a special case, and
quotes it unless it is a valid selector.


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Re: RBFormatter and Symbols

Blair McGlashan
"Steve Waring" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...

> Hi Blair,
> Was a change made to how the RBFormatter formats symbols in RC1?
> An example of the problem I am having is to format a method containing the
> literal #'urn:foo' twice.
> I dont have an old beta image to see what changed, but the Dolphin4
> RBFormatter>>formatLiteral: method treats a symbol as a special case, and
> quotes it unless it is a valid selector.

Thanks Steve. The original Dolphin parser would treat #urn:foo as a valid
symbol (and therefore Symbol>>printOn: does not quote it), but the RB parser
treats it as a send of #foo to #urn:, which is probably correct (when it is
not quoted). Anyway it is #878.

